Chapter 4: Rose's gift

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(( Luke's POV ))

Clementine went back up the stairs, I was kinda of shocked, but I knew she couldn't stay down here long before Rick came back. I just hope Rick's men don't spot her.

I then suddenly spot something in the corner of my eye. It's hanging out my window, I turn and see a silver nail file tied to a note.

My eyes widen, "Holy fuck, is that for real?!" I think to myself.

I use my left heel to slip my right shoe off, and very skillfully,  I try to reach my toes high enough to reach the nail fial. It doesn't work, then I decide to use my teeth. I stand on my tip toes, leaning out for the fial. I streetch my neck farther and farther... until I feel my tongue get poked by the fialer.

I bite down on it and place it in my hands. It has a note on it, Its labeled,

"If something goes wrong tonight.  Escape with this nail fialer."

"From Rose..." I sigh and glance over at her dead body.

I start to scrape at the metal with the fialer, tiny metal dust bites float to the floor. This will take a while...

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