1: moving

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Hi, I'm Min y/n, my brother is Min Yoongi and we both moved from Korea to America, we both were in the foster care program until we met this new family in America, named Gabriel and Jasmine. We both heard a lot about this family and we didn't want to leave Seoul but our old "parents" were very...abusive,
But we're glad that we left them.  But that means, new country new family, new friends, new school, and new fake ass people.

"Min Yoongi and Min y/n! Welcome to our home"

The nice women answered the door. She looked very very VERY weird, she was wearing a kimono and her hair in a bun with little sticks popping out, she must've thought that we didn't wear the same things that they do, but I showed up in a EXO t-shirt and a pair of ripped jeans, and Yoongi, well...let's just say he was special.

"Ok, now I feel stupid"
"It's fine, we used to wear kimonos with our old foster mom"
"Oh, you do speak English. I thought I would have to learn Korean. Thank god!"
"Come inside and meet your dad!"

Me and yoongs went inside and saw our "dad" making Korean BBQ and I think they stereotyped us but I actually LOVE Korean BBQ.

"Y/n! Yoongi! So nice to finally meet you"
"You too sir"

I fake smiled, Yoongi didn't really say anything for about 3 hours that day, and was just being a humongous angry cat that day. But he talked to me and that was it, so we were good.

"Why doesn't Yoongi talk?"
"He doesn't feel very comfortable around new people, he doesn't want to get to attached to people because when he did, we left our actual mom."
"You guys don't have to worry about that because.."

Yoongi was so happy to finally have a mom and dad who are there forever, and usually when you're 16 no one wants a teenager, but he actually spoke.

"Of course, Yoongi! We just met you but we love you!"

Yoongi jumped up and hugged our mom and dad, but they said something that will haunt us forever until we graduate.

"You two are starting school tomorrow! Isn't that exciting!?"
"I'll be in my room..."
"Second door to the left sweetie"
"From upstairs: thanks mom!"

I sat down on my bed and started unpacking my suitcases, I had 4 with me
One was for my clothes
One was for my room
One was for my bed
And the last one was filled with EXO merchandise
Like posters, sweaters, masks, stickers, and my albums, but I didn't have a radio to play the CDs in, so I just kept them for fun and show.
I was putting away my clothes when I heard a knock at the door, so I went downstairs and saw my mom with a boy, about my age, with brown hair and brown eyes, he looked....handsome...

"Hi, my mom told me that you guys just adopted two teens my age and that I should come over and introduce myself to them."
"That be amazing! Y/n! Yoongi! Come here, someone want to introduce himself to you!"

I walked the rest of the way downstairs and stood at the door waiting for yoongs.

???- POV
"Hi my name is Jung hoseok, or you can call me either Jhope, hope, or hobi"
"Nice to meet you hobi, my name is Min Y/n, you can call me y/n or Ace"

Ace's mom looked at her and asked her a question.

"I thought it was y/n/n?"
"My old friends used to call me Ace, and it just kinda stuck"

Later another boy about 17 showed up at the door, he looked, like he was about to kill me.

"Yoongi Oppa!"
"Sup, my name is Yoongi. My friends used to call me Suga or Agust D, but Ace calls my Yoongs"
"Ok, I'll call you Suga, is that ok?"

Ace's mom asked me if I would like to come in and sit on the couch and talk, as nice as I usually am I said yes, I know this couple very well and I also knew that Ace and Suga were Korean because of their family name.

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