10: fears

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Jhope POV
Y/n was just running and I know exactly where she was going.

"I'm going to find y/n!"
"Jhope, dont! She might hurt you too!"
"I'm her boyfriend, she won't hurt me"
"She hurt Yoongi, and he's her brother"
"I don't care I love her"
"Be safe"

I got y/n's keys and got in her car, I drove to her house and when I got there I went into the forest and started calling her name.

"Y/n! Y/n! Y/n where are you?"

Then I heard rustling from the bushes and something run deeper into the forest, that's her.
So I had to run after it, and running 4 miles is hard so this would be VERY hard, running after a living breathing thing who is fast.

I got to the center of the forest then I heard growls coming from the bushes then something jumped on me, it was going to hurt me but then it stopped.
It was Y/n, she transformed back and ran way deeper, far away from the trail. I couldn't go leave y/n because farther than the center of the forest is EXO territory, EXO was a rival pack to BTS and Got7,
So I transformed and ran after her
Then I found her surrounded by EXO,
I hid behind a tree and watched while they transformed from wolves to humans and scaring her

"Aww, is our little fangirl scared?"
"Take her back to the house"


I ran to y/n and stood in front of her while growling.

"Look guys, the itty bitty puppy is protecting his owner"

I transformed back, they seemed a little intimidated but not a lot.

"Jhope? Is this why you got jealous because I called her hot?"
"Yes, she's mine! No one hurts her!"
"Huh, is that what you think, Kai! Get y/n!"
"On it!"

He tried to grab y/n but I punched him and pulled y/n towards me, but she didn't want to be protected by me, she wanted to fight for herself, damn she's fierce.

Ace's POV
I kicked Kai and punched him, I knew what I was doing because I used to be in taekwondo when I was 14, my old dad used to be very protective over me.
But then he told me.

"Just come with us! We're more loyal then BTS, if you stayed with them, they will ditch you"
"Like I'm falling for that!"
"You could be a idol like us, isn't that what you always wanted"

I had my fists in front of me ready but then I could be successful, be myself, and be with my idols. I looked at jhope and he was fighting Chanyeol, I got in the middle of the fight and said

"If I go with you, you have to leave BTS and Got7 alone! Is that understood?!"

Jhope walked to me and said

"Y/n  no, they're horrible stray dogs! Stay with us!"
"No! I hurt Yoongi, I deserve this!"
"You don't, he's worried about you! He loves you no matter! You can get rid of me but you can't do that to your brother!"
"Tell him, I'll miss him and that I'm sorry"

Chen grabbed my arm and made me transform to a wolf and go back to their house, I just gave everything away to be with people who are my idols and who will turn me into one.

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