15: sleepover

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We were playing games and truth or dare and it got a little out of hand, and I don't want to be out of hand near my brother.

"So jhope, truth or dare?"
"Do you and y/n have any sexual tension between each other?"
"*mumbled* don't you fucking say yes.."
"Jhope, let me answer for you, n-"
"Yes, we do"
"Jhope and y/n sitting in a tree, K I S S I N G, first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes a baby in a baby carriage!"
"I'm turning 16 in two months, you grow up"

Jhope's POV

I wish I didn't open my goddamn mouth. Y/n got so mad she ran upstairs and slammed her door shut so loud that my glass fell off the table.

"I'll go get her-"
"No hyung, I'll do it"
"Alright, be prepared for the most angriest person in the universe"

Suga's POV
"So Suga, If you don't mind me asking, we're you adopted?"
"Yeah, and no I don't mind"
"Why? Did your mom or dad give you away?"
"Uh, no actually. My mom was 29 when she had us and she, um...shot her self, and then our grandma took care of us, but then she gave us away because she died of old age"
"Yoongi...I'm so sorry.."

Jennie hugged me and I hugged her back.
She's incredibly sweet, WHY AM I SAYING THIS!?

"But it's fine, I didn't know her, and I didn't plan on it, if she didn't do that, I wouldn't have met you guys"
"While the love birds are upstairs, Jennie, truth or dare?"
"Dare! I ain't a pussy!"
"Ooh, ok! I dare you to kiss Yoongi"
"I'm fine with it"

Jennie got really close to me, then our lips crashed together. It went from a little peck from a full on make out session.

"What. Do. You. Want!?"
"Holy crap!"
"Fine Jin"
"For real...?"

Y/n's POV

Jhope knocked on my door and said

"You ok?"
"Yep! I'm just peachy!"
"Something tells me you're not.."

He entered my room while I was putting on my pajamas, but I was only able to put on the bottoms, so he saw everything above.


"Jhope why are yo-!"

Before I could even finish my sentence he kissed my lips without hesitation, and then he pinned me against my door.

"You're really sexy..."
"I know.."

He threw me on my bed and unbuckled his belt and kept kissing me all over leaving dark purple hickies.



He took of his boxers and his shirt and helped me take off my pajama bottoms, then he crashed into me.
This had been my first time and it hurt, really bad, but the pain slowly turned to pleasure.

"Want me to go slowler?"

He kept thrusting, and slowly he went faster.
I kept moaning and when I was close he went faster.

"Jhope I'm close.."
"Me too, but I can't cum into you"

I had came but he didn't so he stopped when I did, thank god.

"How was I?"
"Amazing. At least for my first time"
"Good. I love you.."
"I love you too"

He got everything back on and I got my pajamas on, but it felt weird, I just fucked one my brother's friends, but something so wrong, felt so right..

We got back downstairs and I realized that the hickies were DARK PURPLE, anything that was dark was noticeable by my white as fuck skin.

"Jhope! The hickies.."
"Shit! How will we hide them!?"
"I don't know, and my brother will be suspicious if we're not in the living room quick!"
"Well we're fucked!"
"Pretty much, Yeah"

We got into the living room and we sat on different parts of the circle we were sitting in and Lisa HAD to point it out.

"MIN Y/N!"
"Yes Suga?"
"But Oppa I-"

Yikes he scares me!
He brought us both outside and he just went at it.

"Y/n...you...had...SEX WITH MY FRIEND!?"
"I SO WANNA.....UGH! You're so difficult sometimes! But now I know that he actually loves you, unlike-"
"What's this all about?"
"Y/n had a awful past lover, who she thought was the one, his name was-"

I ran back upstairs, locked my door, and cried into my pillow.

Suga's POV
"What was is name?"
"Mathew. She fell head over heels in love with him and one day he asked her out, and the day she went over to his house, he fucked her old friend"
"Then why did he just date her friend?"
"Because he wanted a girlfriend and a sex toy"
"You better not treat y/n like that. She means everything to me, I just want to see her happy, jhope. You don't know how depressed she is
I love her, and I don't want to see her like this anymore, it's torture to see your best friend in pain and so sad all the time"
"I won't hyung, I love y/n as much as you do. I wouldn't treat her like that guy did, I promise to treat her like a princess"

Right before I walked away I wanted to ask hobi something.

"And she won't get pregnant, right?"
"No, I knew you would've kicked my ass if I got her pregnant"
"Ok, just go make her happy, And don't fuck her this time, ok?"
"Ok, and I think that's all I could handle for one night"

I watched jhope walk upstairs and I felt happy, so see my sister happy. I haven't seen her this happy in forever, I just want what's best for her. I love her so much, with all of my heart even.

OK! That happened!
It took me about a hour to get the balls to write this and now....it's over, it's done, I'm also done with life, so let's move on!
And I'm not sure if I'm going to post for the rest of the day, I'm tired and worked out because I have school in a few days but I get to see my boyfriend!! He gave me a stuffed penguin for Christmas! And we FaceTimed for New Years, so he was technically my New Years kiss.
Buh byeeee!!!

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