27: downhill

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Why? Why does the universe do this to me?!

I sighed and I looked a the teacher in a questioned way.

"What's his name, mr Romero?"
"His name is Lee Mathew, he just goes by Mathew"
"I know sir. Thank you"
"Your welcome Miss Min, or would you prefer Davis?"
"Davis is fine"
"Would it be Davis y/n or Y/n Davis?"
"Y/n Davis"

Mathew entered the classroom and I saw the girls in front of me stare and sigh at his handsome looks, they don't know his personality like I do.
I rested my head on my hand and waited for him to finish being adored by the hoes.
Soon he dragged himself away from the girls and sat in the seat next to me, then someone threw a note at me and it said

'The world's not perfect but it's not that bad, if we got each other then that's all we have, I will be your brother and I'll hold your hand, you should know I'll be there for you'
(A lyric from my fav song If we have each other)

I read it then I looked behind me and I noticed that yoongi was looking out the window next to his seat. He looked miserable, we both are miserable.

I threw a note back at him saying

'I love you so much big bro🖤'

I really love yoongi. he's like my father figure I never had, and to think that he has always been there for me, he's gotten more and more soft, even for other people.
As I recall yoongi was going to maybe kill Mathew since he found out that Mathew cheated on me.
He seemed so mad and infuriated, he really thought that I was happy with him so he put me first before his feelings and emotions, and he was like a steal gummy bear who only turns gummy for me. His gummy side is his caring heart, his full of emotion eyes, and his hugs.
But now he has Jennie so I haven't been hanging out with him because he's replaced me with Jennie. He's supposed to be my best friend in the entire world.
I'm sure since I HAD a boyfriend and I spent more time with him instead of yoongi, he wants a girlfriend to spend time with. He's a lucky guy.

I turned around and I focused on the lesson, but then someone else threw another note at my hair.
I scanned threw my hair, grabbed the note and read it.

'You're distracting me with your beauty'

I looked at it and I turned around looking for the person who threw it at me.
I noticed the shy jungkook looking at his notebook with his head down while blushing.
He threw the note at me.
I threw one back saying

'I'm not just beautiful, I'm a queen'

I threw it back at him, and I looked at him reading it.
He looked as if jungkook turned into Jimin and he was a tomato laughing at Jin's dad joke.
And while I was looking at him laughing Mr. Romero yelled at me.

"Y/n, turn around and focus on the lesson!"
"Sorry sir"

I turned around in my seat and wrote down the notes on the board.
Then I did the bell ringer which was a 20 sentence paragraph.
I loved writing so much that I always turned in paragraphs early, and I always got the compliments of being a being a very fast and detailed writer. I always wanted to be a writer since 5th grade.
Today's question to wrote about was our greatest fear.
Mine was losing everyone I love. And it probably sounds cheesy but everyone matters to me, and maybe I seem tough on the outside, I'm a softie on the inside. Words hurt me and I put a act on because I don't want anyone to say shit behind my back.
'Sticks and stones won't break my bones, but words hurt the most'
I've said this to myself when I felt at my lowest. I depend on others to make me happy because I don't feel like being happy at my low times. I could go years without being happy, but if another person makes me happy, it works.
Without anyone, I'd be depressed for forever.

Without hesitation, I start writing down my thoughts and I turned in the paper.
The teacher looked at my paper and looked back at me.

"Good job Miss Davis, and I would like to see you after class, would that be ok?"
"Sure, for what sir?"
"There is a college enrolling for writers and I wanted to see if you were interested"
"That's amazing! Would I have to move?"

SO MUCH DRAMA!!! will y/n move without her family including her brother and her friends or will she stay with family and friends but not achieve her dreams?

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