State of Flux

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I was sitting next to the Captain on the Bridge. Neelix had led us to a planet full of plants that were apparently the best nutrient source in the quadrant.

"Captain, I don't think we're alone. Mr. Tuvok, run a lateral EM scan for me. Coordinates eight one mark four zero." Tom said.

"Running scan." Tuvok said.

"What do you see Tom?" I asked.

"It's like a reflection, something in low orbit when it moves into a certain angle from the sun." Tom said.

"He's correct. I am picking up an ionization trail. There is another ship in orbit." Tuvok added.

"Using some kind of cloaking device." The Captain said.

"It's not a cloaking device as we know it, Captain. I cannot say for certain what it is, but the ship does employ some kind of masking circuitry that has affected our sensors." Tuvok replied.

"Voyager to Away team."

"Go ahead, Captain."

"Any unexpected life signs down there, Commander?"

"Nothing but bloodworms. Neelix wants to bring some back for a tartar he wants to make. I'm trying to talk him out of it."

"We're picking up an unidentified ship in low orbit. Collect your teams and prepare to transport back while we investigate."


"Captain, I believe a polaron burst may give us visual contact." Tuvok said.

"Do it." She replied.

Tuvok pressed a few buttons and a brief flash appeared and the silhouette of a ship appeared. My blood immediately ran cold as I realised who it was.

"Kazon." I said.

"The hull design does conform to known specifications of the Kazon-Nistrim sect." Tuvok said.

I sat down as the Captain said "Voyager to Away teams. Return to the ship immediately."


"Marie, what's wrong?" the Captain asked, sitting beside me.

I looked at her and said "You know what."

She nodded and I continued "Remember our deal."

She looked at me with a confused expression before realising what I meant and she nodded.

"Thank you." I said.

She patted my shoulder, stood up, tapped her combadge and said "Janeway to all senior officers. Please report to the Bridge."

After a few minutes of anxious waiting, all senior officers were on the bridge and we were watching a distress call from the Kazon ship. It was fuzzy, but the message was clear.

"We require help. Immediately. Anyone who can hear this message, please help."

"Long-range scanners picked up the distress signal three minutes ago." the Captain said.

"The ship's dimensions are identical to the vessel we encountered at the planet. It is a Kazon-Nistrim ship, Captain." Tuvok said.

"Captain, this may be a trap. The Kazon-Nistrim is one of the most violent sects in the entire Kazon collective." Neelix said.

"We need immediate assistance. We have lost all bridge operations. Barely able to function. Please assist."

"Mr. Kim. Can you determine that this ship has sustained genuine damage?" the Captain asked.

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