Chapter Seventeen: A Baby and A Ring

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"A toast! To my parents for getting back together and for creating a new love child." I stood holding my glass of champagne grinning at everyone around the tables at the restaurant. "Cheers!" Everyone said clinking their glasses with one another. Sitting back down next to Tay she rubbed my knee grinning at me. "Baby thank you so must for that wonderful toast." My mother said smiling at me and Tay both. "Your welcome mommie. "I watched Tay rise from her chair walking around me. Thinking she was going to the bathroom I indulged into a conversation with Morgan and my mom about baby names. Tapping her glass everyone turn their attention to Tay. "I have a announcement to make everyone." No no no not here, not now baby. But she went on any way. Walking over to my chair she got down on one knee and I immediately began crying. "When I first asked you to marry me Anaese it wasn't the best timing." Thinking back to when she asked me I bust out laughing. "But baby I want you to be my wife and share the rest of my life with me. I couldn't dream of another woman I'd want to share my life with. Your everything I want and could ask for. Anaese Amoré Wright will you marry me?" "YES! YES!!" I yelled with joy. She grinned so hard and popped open a ring box with a HUGE engagement ring. I couldn't believe my eyes. Kissing my hand she stood up and kissed me. I could here everyone cheering and clapping for us including my parents. I felt like I was on cloud nine because of this woman.  Everyone came around hugging Tay, my parents and I congratulating us all on our big days. I couldn't stop smiling at everyone. "Well isn't this great news daughter." My mom walked beside me giving me a hug laying on my shoulder. "This is great Ana you getting married and me renewing my vows and pregnant!" "Who would have thought right?!" I said laying my head on her shoulder as well. "it's about time we got some good news around here." The rest of the dinner went swell. Leaving out the restaurant we hugged and said our goodbyes to everyone before getting in the car ourselves.

Walking into Tay house it felt like home. Despite it being rather empty I still loved the feeling of her house. Walking up the stairs Tay came running up the stairs scooping me up into her arms carrying me into her room."Baby oh my god put me down." I squealed trying to get out of her grasp. She put me on the bed and started tickling me. Grabbing her neck I pulled her down to meet her lips with a warm kiss. "Mm baby you taste good."she said licking her lips kissing me again. "I wanna taste like you." I grinned looking up at her. Pulling my shirt over my head she kissed my collar bone lightly. Un-clamping my bra she kissed my body all over sucking on my earlobe. "Mmm baby." I moan grabbing at her shirt pulling it over her head. She was so beautiful. I could look at her beautiful skin all day. Kissing on her neck i heard her let out a moan biting her lip. "Don't bite it. Let me." I said nibbling on her bottom lip. "Mm damn baby what's gotten into you?" She said flipping onto the bed watching me climb on top. "You." I simply replied grabbing at her belt unbuckling it. Pulling off her slacks I kissed along her boxer briefs watching her breathe in sharply sucking in her stomach quick. Pulling off her briefs I was welcome by the pretty brown pussy I had fell head over heels for. She smelled so good. Kissing on her inner thigh i watched her take off her sports bra revealing her ample breast. I didn't know what to taste first. I decided to taste my woman more. My woman. The one I'd be spending the rest of my life with. Kissing her lips I felt her move from me. Wrapping my arms around her legs I slide my tounge between her lips hearing her let out a moan of pure enjoyment. I licked around her clit the way she told me to and I felt her getting extra wet. "Oooh Ana..." she cried out squirming trying to ride my face. It was as if I needed her juices to survive another day. i licked and sucked on her clit and listened to moans and felt her body squirm. Just knowing I could do this to my woman made me even hornier. Tounge kissing her sex i felt her legs tighten up around my neck. Holding her down i flicked my tounge faster on her clit and she started shaking. Her head shook back and forth while she arched her back. Mmhmm come in baby almost there. "Baby oh my goooood!" she cried out climaxing so hard I could barely keep up. Every time I licked her clean more and more came out. She layed there shaking for awhile trying to calm herself down.  I just sat and watched with a huge smile. "Mm what are you smiling at baby?" She sat up grinning back at me. "You. I taste like you now." "Oh do you?" She pulled me up on top of her kissing my lips deeply. "Mm you do taste like me. Can I taste like--" A knock at her door stopped her dead sentence. "Wait here." She said sliding into nearby basketball shorts and pulling a white tee over her head trying to hide her hard nipples. She grabbed a gun from above the door and I listened to her run down the stairs.

Listening hard I heard the door open and Tay cry out, "Stormy? What the hell! Man I thought you was someone tryna catch a bullet!" I grabbed one of Tay pairs of shorts yanking them on along with a Tshirt taking off down the steps. As I got the bottom I realized it was the woman from the warehouse. She turned and looked at me and her eyes grew big and then her face turned red. My nipples. Crap. Covering my chest I looked at Tay. "My bad baby. This is one of leading fellas Stormy. She was at the warehouse with us remember.?" I nodded in agreement. "I'm sorry it looks like I was interrupting." Stormy said quickly with her head down. While she stood in my presence I couldn't help but look at her. She had shoulder length black locs with blonde tips. Honey eyes and the world's best looking eyebrows I've ever seen. No lie she was hot as fuck. But she wasn't no Tay. Grinning at my fiancée I walked beside her wrapping my arm around hers."Well we were a bit busy but since you drove all the way here, I'll let you talk to her. " Stormy and Tay both laughed at me. "Well it was nice seeing you again Miss Jackson I hope next time it'll be under better terms." Stormy said shuffling her feet. Something about being around me made her unsettled. Maybe one day I'd ask her. "Well it's quite better than the last circumstances." We all roared with laughter as I went off into the kitchen to find something to eat.

"Now what was so important you had to interrupt me and the lady." I said looking at Stormy with my head cocked to the side." "No offense Tay but it's hard to talk to with your nipples out." I looked down at my shirt and bust out laughing. "Man I can't with you. I'll meet you in the den yo." Walking up the stairs two at a time i couldn't help but think what could have brought Stormy to my house.  Yeah she had been over before but that was only to drop off paperwork or pick something up for me. Grabbing my sports bra I put it on running back downstairs. I stopped in the kitchen to see Ana bent over in front of the fridge pulling out some shrimp I defrosted the day before. "Damn baby I'm liking the view." "Oh please you wouldn't know what to do with it. " she replied with a wink. Grinning to myself I couldn't help but think of the million positions I wanted to put her in. But introducing the strap was a whole nother story that I didn't think she was ready for. Walking down into the den I could see Stormy relaxing in the chair playing the Xbox. Good at least the news she has isn't stressful to me. "So, wassup Storm what dragged you all the way over here to my place." I said plopping down next to her grabbing a controller joining her in the game. "Advice." "About?" "Talking to a woman." I paused the game and looked at her tilting my eyebrow up. "Advice? About women? But Storm your a huge player. Just as big the player I use to be." "Exactly. You use to be a player." "What you don't wanna be a player no more?!" "Nah. I don't wanna be a player no more. I'm getting old it's time to settle down ya know?" "I feel you. Have some little Stormies running around." "Most deff most deff." She dapped me up and I un-paused the game getting back to whooping her ass."Well hey you see how I ended up with Ana." "So you telling me too go knock some woman car door off and fall in love?" We both busted out laughing at the thought of Stormy hitting another woman by "accident". In walks Ana in her own pj's with two beers in hand. Hanging each one of us one she gives me a kiss and walks back upstairs. "Na I ain't saying that. What I'm saying is don't look for love let love find you cause whew you know damn well I wasn't looking for Ana to fall in my lap but man I love that woman." "I feel you I feel you. Well I ain't gonna keep yall space I'll catch you on the jump at Bryant spot or something." "Yeah we gotta head over that way anyway this weekend for his little party." "Yeah I heard it'll be crazy." "Aren't they always?" "Yeah but this time you ain't single." Stormy said sitting the controller down walking up the stairs following behind. "Your not staying to eat Stormy?" "Nah I gotta tip off to some other business but I'll see you and ya boo later." "Alright suit yourself." Ana said giving Storm a light hug walking back into the kitchen. "Alright Storm Thanks for coming through your always welcome." "No doubt. Hey is Ana coming to the party?" "More than likely yeah. Why?" "I'm just saying you know how those skeletons are in that closet." "Maaan tip off!" I nudged Stormy out the door jokingly watching her slide into her two door black on black Mustang.

All I could think about was what Stormy said to me before she left, "You know how those skeletons are in that closet." Fuck them skeletons.

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