(1) *Tom* Wednesday, August 1

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Hi... I'm Tom. Welcome to my shit hole of a life. Today happens to be the first day of school, and apparently there's a new boy that the girls are all crazy about. Already, school hasn't even started yet! Like, what the fuck?

Figures, they don't care about any of the guys who have been going to our school for as long as they could, but they care about some Norwegian transfer. Eh, fine by me, as long as the new guy leaves me alone he's fine.

I made my way out of my horrible household, and walked to the bus stop. 

Why is my house so bad you ask? My parents are abusive alcoholics, that don't even knowledge that I exist. Or more, parent. My mom died in a car crash, so my dad committed to alcohol. I kind of fell in his footsteps...

I wasn't wearing anything special, just some black skinny jeans, and a black t-shirt with a white skull on it. My hair was in it's usual do, straight up in spikes. 

It was naturally like that. Probably because my biological dad was a pineapple, and my mom was a bowling ball. The confusion I have with that is, how did they create a human??? Also, I still have eyes. They're just pitch black, but my mom was a bowling ball, so shouldn't I just have sockets? Eh, whatever...

I got to the bus stop, and was greeted with both my optimistic, and stupid friends. But there was someone I'd never seen before standing there, talking to my friend Edd.

"Yo, Edd, who's this?" I asked.

I gestured to the boy he was talking to, who has two devil horns for hair He's wearing a black leather jacket over a red t-shirt with, "Kinkshaming Is My Kink" printed on it, along with some black skinny jeans.

I have to say, he's pretty hot...

"This is Tord, he's that new kid all the girls are talking about," Edd said cheerily.

"Hi..." Tord said awkwardly.

The first thing that came to mind when Edd said that was, "He's differently cute, but you can't fall in like with him, remember lat time?" And I agreed one-hundred percent.

"Tord that's Tom, also he's an asshole, so if he's mean to you, don't take in personally, he's like that to everyone." Edd explained to Tord.

"Ahem, I'm standing right here!" I exclaimed.

Matt looked up from his mirror, and asked, "Why's everyone yelling?"

"You'd know if you stopped focusing on your face and started focusing on what people say." I stated.

Matt pouted.

"That's not nice!" He said.

Tord, Edd, and I laughed at Matt. 

He's kind of the one in the group that we only keep around to laugh at. He doesn't notice though, due to him having the intelligence of a kitchen shelf. He was like that way before Tord got here, you know, when it was just Edd, Matt, and I.

"Edd? Why would he be mean if I just met him?" Tord asked.

"Just trust me, he's just like that," Edd explained.

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