(2) *Tord*

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I made my way to math class, and I couldn't help but think of that Tom kid.

He was hot, but he definitely had issues, due to him being so closed off from everyone. I don't know what's going on with him. Edd says that despite them being friends from kindergarten to now, Tom has never really been very open about his emotions or his home life. 

I hope he opens up to someone, once I told a school counselor about my shit ton of problems she told my dads, and they helped me get a therapist. Though if he's not open about his home life, I suppose his parents wouldn't really want to help him.

Anyway, I made my way up to the door, and looked inside, you know, to see what I'd be dealing with. 

There were four girls that were huddled up in four different desks that were arranged like a square, so they could always see each other's faces. Over in the back on the far left was Tom. He was drawing. 

As soon as the girls heard the door open they looked up. They all blushed and looked back down, giggling. I rolled my eyes, and sat on a desk that was in the back, same row as Tom, but it was on the far right, near the windows. 

I was placing my notebook, and the hentai I carefully placed in my math textbook on the desk. One of the four girls walked up to me. 

She was wearing some blue skinny jeans, and a white v-neck. Her long blonde hair was pulled back into a tight, high ponytail with a bright green orange ribbon.

"Hi, I'm Jessica! You must be Tord, I've heard a lot about you!" She stated, way to giddily for my liking.

"Yes, I'm Tord..." I replied.

She was way too happy for my liking, and I wanted her to go away. But she is a fangirl, and I've heard about them... They're not girls to mess around with.

"Well, I was just wondering if you were going to Heather C.'s party this Friday." She said, and rocked on her heels.

"Well I don't have a date, and I'm sure you're taken, so maybe?" I replied flirtatiously.

I honestly just hoped she had a date, and would just walk away, and leave me the fuck alone.

Instead this happened, "Well, I just happen to be a single pringle, and I'd be honored if you'd take me to the party Tord," She stated suggestively, and traced hearts and stars into my desk with her fingertip.

I internally scoffed.

Good job Tord, you really walked right into that one!

I smiled the most convincing fake smile I could pull off. 

I leaned on my elbows, and whispered in her ear, "Consider it a date. Also I should give you my number, so you can text me your address." 

I pulled back, and grabbed my black ball point pen, and wrote my number on it. I looked back up at her, and her face was scarlet. 

This surprised me, she seemed to be the kind of girl who got all they guys, so seeing her flustered was weird.

She carefully grabbed the slip of paper in her shaking hands, and quickly turned around before walking back to where she was with her friends. 

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