(3) *Tom*

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I sat through lunch, and listened to Tord, and Jane's conversation. Matt, and Edd seemed to be confused on what was happening. Normally we didn't let girls into the group, though Edd did give the okay.

That Jane girl was popular, and she manipulated people all the time. She didn't everyone though. So maybe she was genuine with Tord, but I wasn't so sure. 

She had once manipulated an, unpopular, guy into going to a dance with her by getting him to fall in love with her. The day of that dance she went with some guy named Trent, and told the other dude to die in a hole. He spiraled into depression, and everyone bullied him to the point where he switched schools.

I looked at her with interest, and tried to study that perfect face of her's. She didn't display any features, that said, "I'm totally going to get what I want from him!", so I assumed she was good to go. 

I looked away and waited for the end of lunch.

Once lunch had ended I quickly speed walked to English. Tord followed me, because we only have once difference in classes, and that's not even a core class. 

He has gym, and I have Home Economics. My dad wanted me to join Auto Shop, but I'd rather die than do what he wants. Mom told me Home Ec. would help me in the long run, and that she was sad she didn't take it in high school. I miss her more than anything, and I pray to Jehovah that she's okay.

I was snapped back into reality when I had made it to the class. I looked inside to find no one was there yet.

Strange. I was always early, but never this early.

I opened the door, and walked inside to take a seat in the back. I noticed Tord did the same thing, but he was opposite of me, again. 

This confused me.

He was so outgoing, so why would he sit in the back? Maybe he simply likes the back window seat? Or he really wants people to fuck off, but won't tell them to? No, not that last one, that's impossible, if he really wanted people to leave him alone, he would tell them, because the'll always respect him no matter what. He is popular (already) after all.

I was threw out of my thoughts by a girl walking up to sit next to me. Sam, I think her name was... She was silent, and she just grabbed a sketch book, and began drawing a picture of Tord.

Typical, even the girls who hate popular people like Tord are in love with him. Great! Just great!

Oh, Tom, you didn't honestly think you had a chance with him, did you? Like we agreed he's most likely straight, and he's got so many girls after him he might as well be some pop star!

Fuck off, you're not welcome here! Okay? So just leave me alone!

Ha, you wish baby. But sorry, I won't go away until you have your depression managed. Either that or you find some magic anti-depressant! And we both know that a'int happening any time soon

I hate you!

And I hate you, but at least I provide you with some truth. No getting your heart broken if you never open your heart up! That's just simply fact, you should be thanking me!

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