He Returns... {Part 1}

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So...todays the day, the day my father is supposed to return. I wasn't sure how to feel, glad the games were soon to be over, nervous how the result will play out...someone is going to die and worried for the future, well more specifically mine.

If Harry wins, well gets to the trophy first, he's going to be transported to Salazar knows where...the graveyard, the one we walked through to see father!

I couldn't just sit on the stand pretending not to know what's about to happen. I'm not as good as an actress Barty and probably my family want me to be, and I certainly couldn't tell Draco, he only knew about the Quidditch match attack.

Well, must to my dismay, I couldn't stay in bed all day. The last task isn't until this evening, so I still had daylight to burn.

When I left my room, I could arguing.

"The Hufflepuff will be the first to go!"

"No way! The girl obviously" 'Sexist Pig!"

"Guys come on," Draco? "Pottah is gonna be the one to get spent in the third task first!" he laughed, and the others joined in.

"Are you kidding me?!" I shouted grabbing their attention, "You do remember he is representing Hogwarts, right? So, you saying he should come last is saying that you want Hogwarts to loose, for shame! Slytherin is supposed to have a proud nobility. Make our families proud-"I was rudely interrupted by some stupid assbutt.

"So what do you have to do Riddle? To impress your family...perform the killing curse, oh wait, you already did!" He bellowed out laughter, everyone stared at him in shock as my eyes glowed red.

"Dude if I were you, I would run" Blaise whispered, but he wasn't concerned about what I'd do to him. Draco had a murderous look with a bloodthirsty looks in his eyes, I know he couldn't do real damage, but boy, if looks could this kid would be six feet underground.

The kid quickly stopped laughing and looked down in shame.

"All I have to do to please my family Cameron, is keep my grades up, your parents must so proud of your last three fails" When everyone is the room 'oooo'ed I know I had won.

-Mini time skip brought to you by Aragorn-

I was walking down the hallway when a hand grabbed my shoulder and pulled me into an abandoned classroom.

"Change of plans little Riddle, the Dark Lord wants his blood there when he rises!" Barty grinned.

-Time Skip to an hour before the tournament-

"Come on (Y/n), you don't want to miss the last game!" Blaise shouted through the door.

I opened it, trying to look the sickest I could.

"I'm sorry guys, I think it was something I ate at lunch, I really don't feel well" The squad, Blaise, Sasha and of course Draco all gave me disapproving looks.

"Seems like every event you are skipping out Riddle, something you want to tell us?" Blaise frowned, glancing at Draco.

'Does he think I'm CHEATING!?'

I scoff, then cough. "I'm sorry guys, maybe I'll come down to see who the winner is..."

Draco parted from the group and gave me a comforting hug.
"Well, only if your sure....I hope you feel better soon love" He gently kisses my forehead then makes his leave with the group.

'You know, for the school bully, he can be very charming' I smile dreamily'

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