Straight but Gay?

585 9 15

     John Laurance was always called gay by his gang friend's.

     The problem was that he isn't, well he was but is not anymore.

       He dousent want to break up with his boyfriend Alexander cause if he douse he thinks Alex will be heartbroken.

      Isn't he just a cinnamon rool?

      "Oh God I'm late!" John said would running throught the halls bumping and doging people as he ran.

      "Just a little-SHI-" He said when he tripped on top of a body, he stood up and saw Peggy, so he helped her up and had a little talk with her then left.

      "Hey Johnny!" Said Alex running up to him, "hey Alex." He said, "hurry up! I need to win and argument with Burr in the class!" He whinned and ran inside.

     "Peggy..pretty name.." John muttered to himself and went inside the classroom too.

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