Something else

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     "Alright kids! Settled down!" Said Washington getting everyone to sit, "alright! The issue on the table is Girls rights! Mr.Schyler vs Mr.Hamilton!" Said Mr.Washington.

     "Girls first" said Alex, "ok then." Said Angelica waiting would looking at him, "what are you doing.." he asked, "well you said girls first, so go on." She said then everyone started to laugh.

     "Very funny, ok well girls are weak for example girls can't defend for themselves" he said, he thought he would win easily, "excuse me, well we can if we want, for example I've beaten half of the class on debate and punched half of the school boys." Said Angelica and they keep going back and forth.

     "And Angelica Schyler has won!" Said Washington then the bell rang.

     "Hey Alex!" He ignored her, " ALEXANDER HAMILTON!" Yelled Angelica all the way across Starbucks, "what do you want Ang?" He asked, "are you dating anyone?" She asked, "hmm..well yeah but I'm planning on breaking up with em.."

      "Who?", "I thought u knew, well its John Laurance.." he said, after that she walked up to Laurance.

      "John, Alex is breaking up with you, no hard felling cya tomorrow." And like that she walked back.

      "What did you do?", "your now single.. go ask Lizzy" She said, "omg YES THANK YOU!" Then he ran off, Angelica was very confuse cause when she told John he looked happy.. "strange.."

      It had become quite a silent night cause Eliza was out with Alex, "hey Pegs.." Said Ang, "yes?",  "wanna invite the gang over? Mom and dad are out in London so..", "ok!"

      "JOHNY BOIIIIII, LAFFY TAFYYY, MAC AND CHESSSSSE, BOOK READER AND GIRLFRIEND BOOK WORM, SCHOOL NOT WHORE GIRL BEING BULLIED,SICK GUY, AND HOURSE FU-", "stop right there Peggy.." Said Herculies, "well I did the dare anyways.." She said innocently.

      "Ok my turn then, Johny boi, truth or dare?" Said Laf, "dare..", "do seven minute in heaven with Peggy.", "dude his gay!" Sad Jefferson, "nah ish ok, come on Peggy." He said taking Peggy in the closet, "guys I need to go to he bathroom" said Herculies.

      "I'm gonna get a book.." Said Burr, "I'll come with you." Said Theo, "I'm hungry..." Said Maria going to the kichen followed by Madison, "I'm gonna order Pizza.." Said Laf going to the room next door, now it was Angelica and Thomas.

       "Sooo.." She started,  "Ummm... we haven't talked in a would..",  "Yeah..hows It been?",  " dad want me to get a girlfriend..",  "Wassent Martha your girlfriend..", "We broke up...she was doing it with a teacher..",  "I always knew she wassent good for you" said Angelica.

      "then Who is may I ask." Said Thomas, "well..umm.." She thought, "sorry don't know." She said, "maybe  you are.." he said making her laugh.

      "You wish." That's when he decided to speak up, "I wassent kidding..", "yes you are, you alway-", "I wassent! I'm not always joking around! I actually do have felling Ang!" Then they started to talk about how they fell.

      In the closet Peggy and John were kissing, Peggy was running her hands everywhere Johns Shirt and he was holding her waist, then they broke it off, "I'm sorry John.. I know your gay an-", "it's fine Peggy.." he said douse this mean I can have a chance with him, no Peggy he won't like you! He pulled her to another kiss.

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