Smart Scars

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      Alexander Hamilton was one of the three smartest person of the school.

     School had ended the the gang were currently at Starbucks.

     "So Alex am I right that tomorrow your versing Angelica Schyler?" Asked Thomas.

     At this Alex eyes shot open, "she's a Schyler?" Asked Alex.

     "Yes she's  one of the Smartest persons along side I and you." Said Thomas,  "why do you ask mon ami?" Asked Laf.

    "No reason." Said Alex,  "alright well time to go home, take care Alex." Said Herc walking out with Laf.

    "If anything happens again with your dad..just give us a call, ok?" Said Thomas, Alex nooded at that and saw Thomas and Madison walk out.

    "Cya Alex." Said Burr walking out with John.

     "I'm in love with Eliza Schyler..oh no." Said Alex taking it out of him.

      He had been for a long time now, he just dousent know why, he  thought he was gay.. but maybe something about her made him fall in her spell.

     He din't wanna break up with John, but little did he knew John wanted to do the same but instead he likes Peggy Schyler.

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