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    "Guys I'm going to get more oce-cream! It's to hot!" She whinned leaving the house. Peggy was making her way to the store when she suddenly bumped into someone,  "oh I'm so sorry-" she stopped when she looked up, "hey Peggy."
    Peggy and John went into John's apartment but.. something happened..

    It had been an hour in Johns apartment because they got stuck in the very tiny hallway, Peggy was in front of John and he was behind her, there body's were very close.

    "I think it's been hours in here, my legs need to shift move ment." She whinned, John was outready red enoupf out of how they were right now,  "WAIT Peggy that not a good ide-" it was to late she moved her legs, making John turn red and her. You may ask why, well you see Peggy was intron of John and he get it? Alright. John got a huge boner.

    Omg that was a bad idea.. She thought, "idea.." he said red in the face finishing his sentence,  "erm..heh.." Johns arms got tier of being on the air cause he don't wanna touch Peggy on her sides, but he let them fall touching her on the sides, she turned supper red, "we really need to get out of this situation." He said,  " and get you a new apartment.." She said, then they started to laugh,  "hey Peggy..", "yeah John.."
Flashback to and hour ago
    "Nice apartment John." She said, "it's no big deal Peggy." He said, "umm John.. Your hallway is..really..really tiny." She said, "oh! Let me get to the other side very fast.", "alright.".
End of flashback
"I love you." She turned red, "i-i love you too..", "so it's okay if I do this.", "do wha-" John started to kiss her on the neck, making her red, and his hands were trailing down her sides, he grew bigger making Peggy blush harder.

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