Am I Suppose to Apologize?

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            John pulled away after realising that he was kissing is freaking crush for pass time, "I'm so sorry Peggy!" He said, "oh it's fine." She said blushing.

            After Eliza came back from her date everyone went to there own house's ending up on both Peggy and Angelica not getting 2 hours of sleep.
                  Angelica's Reasons
              1.) Angelica was thinking of how dumb she was to not notice Thomas feeling's.
              2.) She started to feel something for Thomas.
                    Peggy's Reasons

              1.) She din't stop thinking of her kiss with John.

              2.) She wanted to text him really badly right now, but had to wait till tomorrow before the break for Christmas and New Year's.

       Beep! Beep! Beep!
              Peggy smashed her alarm and got ready for the day, "morning guys." Said Angelica, "morning Ang, Lizy." Said Peggy, "morning Pegs, Ang." Said Eliza.

             "Hey Maria." Said Peggy walking to her friend, "hey Pegs." She said, "hey Theo, how's Burr? I heard he was sick." Said Peggy waving at Theodosia, "oh yeah he has a fever." She said.

              "H-Hey J-John!" Said Peggy chasing after John before she went to her Soccer practise.
It should be football but America got me use to typing soccer.
"Oh Hey Peggy, about last night.." he hesitated, "I'm really sorry but I'm not into you.." he lied, he wassen't ready for a new relationship so soon, "oh..", "it's not your falt!" He said, "oh don't worry..i know it's because of me anyways" and like that she went to her Soccer practise.

            I knew it, it's always my falt, it's always Peggy's falt, I went to fast! She thought to herself during practise would the boy's soccer team was waiting to take the fild after they finished, John noticed Peggy.

             The ball was coming to Peggy full speed and out of her anger she kicked it right toward the opposet team goal and scored, making her teammates cheer, John knew she took it out of anger, "ok girls lest go change its the boy's turn!" Screamed couch Martha Washington.

              Peggy later on took a walk throw the park cause she din't know what else to do, so she started to sing.

             I wrote a song a journal gave it to the world.

            Told the story of when I was just a girl.

           You critized me choose to stand up to my pass.

          To give the pain a voice so that it too could pass.

          But I felt brave and filled with pride as I let go.

         That bitterness that wouldn't leave or let me go.

         But I will spend I life-time, trying to understand, why? Someone sharing me blood-ling would not lend me their hand?!

    // Am I suppose to apologise?!//

   // Am I suppose to apologise!?//

       I fled her house and wrath eleven years of age.

       Took the Crocker path that lead me to a stage.

      The curtains opens up and do I followed the lead.

      The music wouldn't stop and I could finally breath.

     But I will spend the life-time, trying to understand, why? Someone sharing me blood-line would not land me their hand!

     //Am I suppose to apologise?!//

   // Am I suppose to apologise?!//

     "Peggy?", "hi, John..."

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