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{Chapter Thirty-Eight: Maybe Sass Doesn't Need to be Genetic}

THE BROWN LEATHER CHAIR in front of Ms. Parker's desk has softened over the course of her years at high school, most particularly by a small trouble maker who came far too often.

"Janice, stop playing with my photo frames," Ms Parker wearily scolds the girl, snatching the newly bought picture of her pet cat from Janice's hands.

"This is new! Wasn't here last week."

"How are you not ashamed about knowing the interior of my office down so well?"

Janice blinks. "Oh, I'm the one embarrassed when the only picture here is of a cat? Oh, goodness me."

Parker points at the door. "Out if you're here just to bother me."

Rolling her eyes, Janice plants her MacBook on Ms. Parker's desk. "You said tomorrow was the deadline. Here's the project!"

Ms. Parker crosses her hands above her desk, staring at Janice. "Uh, so?"

"Don't you wanna look?"

"Want to," her principal corrects automatically, "and unless they share it at the awards ceremony, not really."

"Harsh," Janice says, clucking her tongue. "Guess I'll have to mention your refusal during my award speech."

Right before Ms. Parker is able to respond, there's a knock at her door. Signalling for Janice to stand up, she calls out, "Come in."

Janice straightens up as her English teacher walks in. "Ms. Jules?"

Her teacher enters the room. Her obnoxious curls are pulled into a bun, emphasizing the wrinkles on her forehead as she gives the red-head a weary look. "Why am I not surprised you're here?"

"I mean, I gave you the guidance slip that said I would be in the office this period."

"I usually don't need a slip to know you're here," Ms. Jules replies, but her words are clipped. "Glad you're still here. Saves me the trouble to drag you in."

"Is something the matter?" Ms. Parker intervenes, reclining back on her chair.

Ms. Jules tucks a stray silver-blonde hair behind an ear and sighs, leaning against the door she closes behind her. "Mackenzie's parents called yesterday to complain about their daughter's mark for the group project. The one you, her, and Audrey were in for Hamlet."

"We got, like, an 85%," Janice scoffs. "What, did they ask where the other 15% went?"

Ms. Jules does not laugh. Instead, her expression darkens.

"Ouch. But what's that got to do with me being here? Shouldn't you be bringing her?"

Her English teacher sighs, massaging her temples. It really was too early for this. "Well, they also said something about how their daughter is having a tough time in school because of some red-haired bully. Last I checked, I don't really need to check very far for that now, do I?"

"What?" Janice moves forward so quickly that she almost knocks the chair down in front of her. "That two-faced, slimy..." Breathing deeply, she continues through gritted teeth. "I memorized my parts. I presented my lines. Yeah, I didn't do much of the slideshow but that's only because she did most of the work herself without letting me. She said if I touched it we wouldn't get anything done!"

Ms. Jules thins her lips. "Maybe that's true. But Janice, for all your lip, do you have any proof?"

"Just ask anyone else! Did you ask Audrey?" Janice flounders. Her buzz from talking about her project has started to evaporate.

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