It's easier to write things down when your sad because everything just comes so naturally.
Like the tears pouring out of my eyes.
It's easier,
Easier to write the pain in your hands.
The pain in your chest .
The feeling you get when you remember the things you've repressed for years ,
Even the shakiness you get in your hands when you lock the door in your dreams.
Running form her.
The repression doesn't help
But it does
It hides all the affliction in my bones ,
Where the diamonds used to be is now just black ,
No one is coming along to paint you gold,
No one to make to feel better about your repression ,
No one to tell you everything gets better with time.
It's the shiver that runs down your back when you hear her name,
The reason you keep everything repressed is because of her and the things she has caused you.
the depths of my despair
PoetryYin & Yang . The good ,The bad. A balance between the two. This is the dark finding it's light through the depths of despair.