♕ eight

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"father, i would like to introduce you to yulia irwin, princess of curlisbrooke." calum said, smiling.

the king smiled and took the princesse's hand and kissed it. "it is lovely to meet you."

yulia curtsied in respect of being in the presence of the king. "it is lovely to meet you as well king david."

yulia was very respectful, even thought she despises the king. she had heard of the terrible things he has done, but even though he has done good things, it does not change the fact of the terrible choices he has made for his people.

she would be thankful to be the new queen of easthaven. calum would be an incredible king, and she could not wait to see what he would do if she was by his side or not.

for the rest of the night, the prince and princess danced, laughing and enjoyed each other presence. it has been a while since calum has gotten to speak with other people other than his parents, the servants, ashton, and the people in the village. not that it is a bad thing, he enjoys being around them very much (except sometimes his father), but sometimes he just wants someone new to talk to.

yulia, on the other hand, has spoke to thousands of people. she is fairly popular because her mother's kingdom is large, and her mother is well known. although as much as she loves visiting people that live in her kingdom, she always up for an adventure. going to different kingdoms gave her this excitement and she never wanted it to end. visiting easthaven has truly been a blessing for her, the kingdom was not the largest, nor the smallest, but that does not matter. all that matters is how the kingdom is ruled, and so far with king david being the ruler, it is not going very well.

queen joy is also the other ruler of easthaven, but she does not have much say because king david holds so much power over her. he does not allow her to have a say in anything he does or chooses to do. it is sad really, a king is supposed to rule with their queen, not by themselves.

"i had a great time tonight your highness."

calum smiled. "as did i, princess."

yulia stopped in front of her carriage and faced the prince. "will i see you again?"

calum nodded his head. "i would hope so."

yulia smiled and placed a kiss on calum's cheek. "good night your highness, i hope to see you another day."

calum bided her a good night as well, kissing her hand before she left. he enjoyed her company very well, but was not in love with her. he could not be, he is already in love with someone else after all. the only thing calum knew is that he was going to make yulia his queen, even as much as he hated the fact that he could not marry ashton, but he had no other choice.

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expect another chapter in few minutes, this is not all that i want you guys to read tonight because shit is about to go down. (no the next chapter is not going to be rushed, i know exactly what i want to write and what is going to happen).

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