Using your phone in class

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This chapter is dedicated to my dear friend Sarah, who always seems to get caught on her phone, no matter how hard she tries.

The Importance of 'Blind Touching'

Blind Touching

(v.) Being able to through your phone without sight.

Being able to Blind Touch is important as most of the time when you go on your phone in class you cannot look at it, well you can, it just makes it more obvious. With lots of practice you should be able to:

1) Unlock your phone without looking at it (takes alot of practice).

2) Remember where your 'main' apps are and how many swipes it takes to be on that page. Unless you have it open and can simply double click to it.

3) Memorize your keyboard, so you don't have to look down when you text or type (with lots of practice you can do it whilst holding a conversation with your teacher, I can).

Tip: Shortcut your most popular phrases so you don't have to type as much.

eg. hc- Hella' Creepy.

Practice makes perfect so try using your phone without looking.


I'm sure you've heard someone say "Preparation is the key to success", and in this case this quote can be applied. Your phone should be set up before using in class.

To prep your phone make sure:

1) Brightness is turned down.

2) Sound is off

3) Phone is on vibrate


Before you step into your classroom make sure you work out where you are going to sit. Make sure you don't sit in the back roll because that puts a target on your back.

So before you sit ask yourself:

1) If someone walks past will they see the phone?

2) Are you sitting near anyone who might tell on you?

3) Can the teacher see your phone?

Once you determine that you are not at risk you can sit down.

Don't be that Idiot

Your phone should always be 'covered', never 'open' for anyone to see. Always have it under a book or in your pencil case.

Observe your own behaviour in a class so you know how to act. Make sure you are consistent. If you slouch, slouch whilst typing. If you are loud and opinated in class, be loud and opinated whilst instagraming. If you sit up straight and look at the teacher, then you're screwed.

Don't have a bright phone case, I reccommend black ones 'cause they don't draw as much attention.

Make sure your friend's phone is off, otherwise you look like a dick if they get in trouble.

Don't get caught.

Tip: Learn to write with one hand whilst texting; great for co-ordination.

So you are that Idiot

Choose depending on situation:

1) If you are wearing a dress or skirt, shove it between your thighs so you can stand up to walk to prove you are 'not on your phone'.

2) Say you're checking the time.

3) If you are wearing pants, shove it down your pants and tuck it in the waistband.

4) Hide it in your sleeves. If you are wearing a jumper.

5) Deny it.

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