The basics of Teachers

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There are five different types of teachers.

Each teacher can pretty much be placed in a category. It just depends as there can be many variations of each category and teachers can be out into multiple categories.

Classifications and Descriptions

The Trunchbull

This teacher is just rude, plain simple rude. She/he finds pleasure in yelling at students. Probably divorced a couple times.

He/she has favourite students and they make that clear. This teacher doesn't like to be corrected, so don't be stupid just nod your damn head and agree with everything they say.

In fact, I have a strong suspension that the staff don't like that teacher either which is why they hand detentions like there frickin' chrisitmas presents. You know so they're not alone at lunch time.

These teachers usually brag about how perfect another class is to the class they are currently teaching .

The Sad-sack

This teacher talks alot and somehow I end up hearing about their 'past expereinces in life'.

I rock up to my test all like I got this, Oh wait. You want me to write about French culture? 

Nah. How about I write about Mrs' trip to France in 1967, 1986, 1999 and 2002.

Sterotypically this teacher is a woman, but I ain't about that sexist life. I've had a couple of male sad sacks and let's just say men cry too.

This teacher PMSes like crazy despite gender cause you know periods. One minute, be like I love my life. Next just like, I hate you all. 

The Malteser

Hard on the outside, soft on the inside. 

At the start this teacher is a biz-nitch, but throughout the terms and semesters you see how nice they can be.

Once you're a favourite to the malteser, you basically can do no wrong.

The maltesers is completely different to the Trunchbull. Know the Difference.

The innuendo

Aka the perv, the try hard and the weirdo in one.

Everything that comes out of this teachers mouth just sounds creepy and pervy. Is that even a word? It is now #urbandictionary. Usually has no fashion sense and tries really hard to be hip.

Normal teacher:

"You didnt finish your homework, well then you have a detention with me at lunch!"

The innuendo:

"Come to my private office, alone at lunch and I can be the answer to any of your problems (insert creepy face)."

The Sarcastic S***

This teacher thinks they're frickin' hilarious. Like excuse me sir, you are NOT Beyonce. 

Sit back down and don't sass me asshole.

Enjoys banter and arguing and is always right.

Sterotypically is an english teacher.

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