It's been 2 weeks already and Mara still haven't talked to me. Anytime the gang goes out she ignore me.She don't bother talking to me at all. I'm not gonna lie and say i don't have some kind of feelings for her because in reality i do. But that doesn't mean im going to sit around and wait for her so i got myself a girlfriend, She's my luh baby , i know she's not mara but it's what ever
" Baby you ready?" i yelled sitting on the couch
Kiara and i was supposed to be going out with the rest of the gang i know the girls dont like her and the boys feeling some kind of way but they gonna have to get use to her
" Yes babe im coming" She said walking out the bathroom. My girl was so damn fine it was crazy ." we look cute lets take a picture" she said
Her friend Leah was waiting outside in the car i guess she was going to tag along so i called her in the house to take the picture
" Ok ya'll cute or whatever" She said winking at Kiara
i thanked her and looked at the picture once more before posting it on instagram
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My luh Baby.. She aint going no where
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Once we got to Jay's house everyone was sitting down talking
" Yo yo yo wassam yall" I said greeting everyone walking hand in hand with Kayla dapping up the boys
the girls looked at me shaking there heads clearly not interested
I glanced at Mara who was looking down at her phone with her legs crossed im not gonna lie she looked sexy as hell
" Babe aren't you gonna introduce me" Kayla asked looking up at me i glanced over at Mara again to see her looking at me i pulled up Kayla's face and gave her a kiss
Mara just shook her head going back on her phone
' yeah uh that's my nigga's jay , cordae, lucas, glizzy and my cuzzio manny and they my lil sisters Amber, Bri and Jazz" I said purposely leaving out Mara
Everyone looked at me with a look on their face
" What about her" Kayla asked nodding her head toward Mara
" i uh i dont know her" I shrugged scratching the back of my neck
The room had became silent Mara looked at me in a weird way
" Oh so now you don't know me but im pretty sure you wasn't saying all that when you was tryna eat my pussy now was you" She asked raising her eyebrow crossing her arms
Everyone turned their attention to me i opened my mouth to say something but Kayla beat me to it
" Bitch watch your mouth how you speak on my man" Kayla said pointing her hand at Mara
La'Mara/ Mara
I really have no clue what have gotten into nick but he got me fucked all the way up. He's always doing some stupid shit i swear
" Bitch both of yall got me fucked up i dont know who the fuck told you to come up in jay's house in the first place with your greasy ass forehead but all i do fucking know is im not the one little girl so sit your ass down before i do it for you" I told her
" And as for you, You can suck my dick Nahmir you coming over here doing the most for what? m trying to have a good ass day and live my best life but you wanna come in here acting like you run shit when you dont so you can get the fuck on" I said turning to nahmir
" oh shit get me the popcorn nigga" cordae said to manny as manny ran into the kitchen
" Hold up sis you aint finna be talking to my bestfriend like that" some random ass girl said coming from behind nahmir
" Bitch who are you" I yelled making Amber Bri and Jazz to come behind me in the process
" Im her bestfriend you got a problem" She asked rolling her dirty ass neck
" And we her bestfriend so what's really good" Bri said stepping closer to the girl's face
Glizzy and Jay had stood up along with Lucas trying to get the girls, Nahmir stood there just looking like an fucking idiot which he was
" AYE hold them till we get the popcorn ready" Manny yelled from the kitchen
im gonna slap his pale ass
" Aye mane just chill that shit out" Nahmir said grabbing my arm
" Nigga don't fucking touch me, What you do need to do is control your hoe" I said slapping his arm off of me
" Hoe don't touch my man"
" Bitch shut up My hand connected with her eye
she winced in pain slapping me i don't know what type of fight this was but i was not having the shit
i punched her in her face a good few times grabbing her by her hair to the floor sitting on her upper half punching her
her friend came and tried to jump in only for Bri to come and drag her by her hair
" Aye chill out with that shit Mara" Nahmir said trying to pry me off of her
" Yeah fuck her up Mars !!" Cordae yelled egging me as Manny recorded
Bri was getting pulled off of Ole girl while the boys was trying to hold back amber and Jazz
I felt Nahmir grab my by my hair pulling me up
I turned around and slapped the shit out of him i begin punching him all over he really had me fucked up pulling on my fucking head like that
" Chill out La' mara" He yelled holding my hands down
My leg got pushed a little i looked down and saw manny on the floor next to what ever her name was getting close ups pf her bruises laughing his ass off
" Man Nahmir get them the fuck ouuta here dawg" Jay said getting annoyed
i pushed him away from me as hard as possible casing him to trip over manny
he grabbed his girl and left forgetting about her friend
" Get that bitch too " Glizzy said pointing at the friend laying on the ground
I couldn't help but laugh looking at her face
He came back in dragging the girl up looking at me once again
i rolled my eyes and went upstairs with the girls
" Man i love yall crazy asses" I smiled causing them to laugh and hug me