Puppet Trouble: Danua X Reader

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Y/N = Your Name

You were in the grandcypher minding your own business when sundenly you saw danua and for a change she doesn't have her dolls with her. As you examine her form while coming up to you you see her body trembling uncontrollably while having tears in her eyes.

She shyly comes up to you and says "H..Hansel..??" You partially know what she said but can't get the whole idea because her dolls Hansel and Gretel always do the talking for her. "H....Help...." she said and then you pieced the things together. She lost the two dolls that was always by her side so the only thing you say was "Ok were gonna look for them. Don't worry danua there gonna be in this ship!!" After you said that you saw the smile she was trying to do so you smiled back, you organized a search for only for the two of you since the crew have thier own things to do, after telling Danua where she was going to search you herd her soft voice "Y.......Y/N....T....Thanks" and hearing her say that filled you with determination on finding her dolls and said to her "No probs!! You're part of the crew and all of us see eachother us close friends!! No one wants to see you sad danua!!" And Danua put an effort to smile to show you before going to where she was going to search.

~Time skip brought to you by do robots have dicks???~

It was sundown and you didn't have any luck on finding the two dolls, you were going to the last place you need to check then you saw danua sulking in the corner and as thought she didn't have luck on finding them, you went to her side hugging her and stroking her hair, you knew how precious her dolls are to her, after that small silent time you stand up saying "There's one more place I haven't look let's go together" Danua had a glint of hope in her eyes and you were happy to see her like that.

☆ A few hours later ☆

After the search you still didn't find the dolls danua was devastated but you still had hope you said "Danua I don't care how long I'll find them I'll make sure they'll be back with you!!" You look at danua who was trying to smile at you but can't hold back the tears that were developing in her eyes, after that you try everyday to find the dolls.

*Few weeks later*

Danua still doesn't have her dolls was locked in her room, having trouble finding the dolls you were doubting if they are still in the ship. In a few hours the ship landed on an island that Sierotarke said she has a mission for you and Danua, since she still doesn't have her dolls she was a little scared about joining this mission because the dolls themselves were her weapons but Siero said it was going to be a peaceful mission so Danua still joined in anyways, after reaching the requested village that was written in you quest a woman was going running towards both of you and said "Are you the skyfarers that is going to come here??" She said very hastly, you calmly smiled and said "Yes we are I am Y/N and this is Danua. We were told that the requester wanted to talk about the mission in person. Are you perhaps the person??" The woman gave a sigh of relief and said "Yes I am, the request is that my daugther has been missing for days and I am getting more worried about her." You analyzed the situation and said "Don't worry were gonna find her, you can count on us!!" The woman was smiling and shed tears of joy "Please please do find her!!" After that both of you went to the forest outside the village and started looking for the girl

- Time skip because I say so -

It was afternoon already and still you were in the forest. You were going to the other direction when danua pulled your arm and pointed the other way, upon reaching the end of the path you saw a girl......... holding Danua's dolls!!! The girl was sleeping and Hansel and Gretel suddenly stand up "Hmm hmm why so late on getting us??" Hansel said, "The frick were you guys we were stuck with this girl for days!!!!" Gretel shouted, after exchanging information you were shocked by the revelations of what happend.


Danua and the others were here about a week ago and completed a mission after that they were asked to sleep here since they helped alot, after Danua slept a girl came in and saw Hansel and Gretel and took her away after that the crew lifted up the sleeping Danua aboard the ship.

"Ahh so that's how she lost the two of you" after saying that Gretel shouted "What?!?! Is that all you gonna say???? Frick while you were gone we were up our necks defending this small thief from the monsters cause she wondered to the forest alone!!" And mosters sudenly poped up because of thr noise "Hmm Hmm Gretel you should not have shouted" Danua hastly got her dolls and in her fighting position then killed those monsters while you grabed the girl and Danua escaping the monsters and in the returning back at the village. After the whole thing you and Danua went back to the ship, you herd Danua say "T.....Thank..." then Hansel said "Hmm Hmmm Danua says thank you Y/N for giving time for finding us an didn't lose hope" you smile and said "Anything for a friend" both of you went back to the ship hapilly

So how's the story?? Hoped you like it!!!

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