A treasure hunter's wish: Mary X Reader

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Y/N = Your name

You are a treasure hunter, you just recently started and your fasination of finding the unknown has led you to this kind of job.

You were in town when you stop by at
Sierokarte's shop, you saw a tresure map, you were about to grab the map but a red headed girl got it before you did, well since you were a treasure hunter one of the rules were finders keepers.

You were about to leave the shop until you had an idea, why won't you convice the girl to join her and split the reward, so what you did was wait till she left the shop.

~~20Mins later~~

You tapped the girl by the shoulder and the unexpected action made the girl jump and was in a fighting stance, "Umm if you could please put your gun down, I just wanna talk about the map you have" you said while having a little visble fear of seeing the gun pointed at you.

"Jeez you scared me and why would we talk about my map?" You told the girl that you were new to this job and need experience and rupies to start.

The girl was reluctant to let you join her, for she was always alone while doing this kind of job and wanted to stay that way, but the way you seem weak and only having a knife as a weapon it seems you'll most likely be killed by a monster out there so she decided to let you come with.

"Hmm ugh sure come along and by the way Mary. And yours?" Mary let a hand to shake with, you shook her hand while smilling at your companion "Y/N! Nice too meet you to mary!" You were happy to start an adveture with expectaions for many treasures to come and plus the fact that mary, even though she'll only stay for this job, will join you, you wished that the job may bring prosperity to both of you.

"Hey Y/N, let's meet back here about 2 hours from now so you better get ready and be here if not I'm gonna leave yah behind." You nodded and ran to your house to get what you needed, well just some potions and a spare knife and went back to the meeting place and waited for mary there very excitedly.

~~1 and 1/2 hour later~~

You saw mary and what's with her is ger bag full of things, so full in fact that somethings might get out of the bag, you were worried if the thing that went out of her bag was precious so you walked up to her, "Hey mary isn't that bag way to full? Something migth get lost." She smiled and said don't worry, leave it to dear ol mary here about her stuff and yah sure your ready to go with some potions and a knife?" You scratch your head out of embarrassment. "Haha well I did said I'm a newbie at this so...." mary flushed red remembering that you were new to this "Oh yeah haha forgot about that um sorry." You were blushing hard at how cute mary was and you only nodded to what she said and with that said both of you started your journey.

~~Few hours of traveling~~

You and Mary finally reached the cave with tge supposed treasure. You were gonna enter the cave but Mary stoped you. "Hey! Don't just go in a cave that you know there's treasure in there! There might be traps in there." While you were listening to Mary, you didn't notice that you went in side and activated a trap door underneath you.

You were screaming all the way down while Mary sighs out of your supidity, "Ahh well gonna catch up with Him/Her somehow." Mary jumped in the whole where you fell and unlike you who were screaming all the way down, she thought that was a fun joy ride.

You fell face first down on the cold floor of the cave you were about to get up then suddenly you heard something or someone falling down, you were about to get out of the way but Mary landed on you first, "Ohh boy! That was fun!" "It isn't for me." Mary just laughed at you and she helped you get up.

So after a few minutes exploring the cave both of you found the treasure but it's in a den of monsters. You were readying your knife and was about to sneak up on the monsters but Mary held you back, "Hey leave this to me  just back me up, I can shoot them down but if they get close it's up to you then alright?" You nodded to her and watched her carefuly how she attacks.

You watched at amazement that Mary although young, is a pretty good with a gun. All your amazement was fading when the monsters decided to gang up on her, while they were doing that Mary was looking in her bag, you were gonna attack but you heard Mary shout "ILLUMINATING STAR!!" You saw her throw a big bomb at the monsters and they were dead before you knew it.

"Wow Mary you gotta teach me some of your stuff!" "Hehe that's gonna be my secret." You laughed then pointed out to the treasure, "Say mary, 50/50?"
Mary shook her head "Nope. That's all yours, I only took that map for thrill of it." You had a 'really?' Look on your face and laughed, Mary grabed you by the shoulder "Well looks like I'm gonna go now, had a fun time with you today, hope we see eachother in the future!" Mary lend out a hand and you took it and shaked it "Sure and when we meet I'll make sure that I'll be a famous treasure hunter by then." Both of you laughed and Mary left the cave and you with the treasure "Today was sure fun, thanks Mary!"

Oof sorry for a long time not updating welp here you go

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