Cooking Mishap: Beatrix X reader

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Y/N = Your Name
F/F = Favorite Food

Inside the grandcypher, in the kitchen there is a girl cooking in there. Her name was Beatrix, she joined the crew with her fellow knight and precious friend Zeta a couple of days ago.

Beatrix had made full course meals and is still making more of them. Somehow you entered the kitchen with out Beatrix knowing.
You wanted to try Beatrix's cooking because of Zeta's warning.

"What ever you do don't try Bea's cooking, even if it looks good." Those were Zeta's words that was still echoing inside your head. While Beatrix was busy cooking you grabed a fork and looked at the meals prepared until you saw your F/F.

You dug in and took a bite, that was the time Beatrix turned around and saw you ate her prepared meal. She was excited and nervous at the same time. After taking a bite Beatrix ran after you and asked "Hey Y/N........ was it good?" In all honesty it was good but something was off "Well it was good. It was delicious, sweet and it tasted just like............cake?!"

"Hahahaha!" Behind both of you was Zeta laughing so hardly. "Hahahaha I knew this would happen!" Beatrix who heard that had her cheeks bured red by Zeta's comment "Wha-What do you mean!!" As Beatrix shouted hard at the laughing Zeta, she slowly started to stop laughing "Bea we've been together for many years now, don't you think I already now that every time you cook the outcome will always taste like cake?"

As you finally understand why Zeta wanted you to not taste it, it's because you might get diabetes but it was still unsure if it could give diabetes, Beatrix was still fuming at Zeta. "Still Bea how do you sweeten up the every meal you make anyways??" Beatrix also didn't know how she manage to make such feat as well. "I don't know, I just cook something and somehow it just sweetens up!" While both Zeta and Beatrix keep talking you were still eating F/F even if you had a chance at diabetes (if it can give diabetes). Well it was something at the least.

~The next day~ \uwu/~

Beatrix went back to the kitchen and planed to make lunch for the whole crew. You entered the kitchen and took an apple to bite out off "Hey Beatrix can I help out with the cooking?" As you saw before she  enetered the kitchen Beatrix asked (more likely ordered Lowain and his brothers out of the kitchen) so she could cook for the crew today. Beatrix was reluctant and really wanted to say no and cook for the whole crew but she allowed Y/N to help her cause if the food goes too sweet again, the crew might not eat it and it will just go to waste.

As Beatrix was making soup, you decided to make F/F and some other dishes you know.

☆Cooking for the past 2-3 hours has given you determination☆

It was about lunch time, you and Beatrix were going to set-up the tables. As you were setting things up you looked to Beatrix. She seemed sad, you stoped preparing the table and went to Beatrix's side

"Hey doing fine Beatrix??" You saw her eyes flash a hint of regret and sadness. "Y/N I shouldn't had made lowain and his brothers leave the kitchen, what would the crew's reaction if my cooking still's sweet? Would they still eat it to make me feel better or would they not eat it at all?? Ahh this makes my head ache!!" "Hey Beatrix loosen up whatever happens at least you gave everything you got to make this lunch right?? So don't worry they'll appreciate anything you made for them!!" "You're right Y/N I shouldn't think about stuff like that, I made the meals with both blood and sweat, I'm sure they'll gonna love it!!"

As Beatrix was preparing the tables with a smile on her face she knew she did great (even if her meals taste like cake again).

They finished preparing the tables you were calling the crew to eat, and one by one the tables were started to be filled. It was the big moment, everyone took a taste at Beatrix's cooking and one of the  crew members said "Ohh taste's amazing it's sweet it taste like...... cake?!?" The other crew members tasted the dishes too and were suprised at the cake tasted soup "Huh how did you make this??" "Wow the ingredients were supposed to be sour howed you make it sweet??" "Hey hey this was supposed to be spicy why or how did you make this sweet??" After the crew tossed words back and forth they still ate it but was still hungry cause it was technically cake still. "I-I'll make something just wait. Umm what do you guys want??" Beatrix was flusterd and was still happy that the crew still ate her dishes. The crew decided on salad (cause it requires almost no cooking skill) and after that Beatrix went to the kitchen to make the salads

After a couple of minutes Zeta came out of the kitchen. "Hey Zeta howed she made the salad??" The crew silently listened closely "she just put the vegetables in and mixed them" after that Beatrix came out with some help from Lowain an his brothers carring the food. After tasting it, it was in fact a regular salad. After seeing everyone smile and eat the salad Beatrix wad also smiling

So how was the story?? Good??
But anyways thanks for reading!!

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