Vane X Reader: The Goofy Knight

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Dedicated to Momintan
Sorry for being way to late UwU
Writters block and school stuff
You were the new member of the crew, you joined when Gran helped out you village and when he said he had diffrent members who are powerful in their own way, you just had to come and spar with them.

You spent your time checking out the ship, the interior impressed you alot
"Ahh.. So beautiful." While looking at the design of the walls, you took a sharp turn, without noticing the blob of blond hair. You and the person both dropped down to the floor with a thud, "ouch." "Oof." The person with blond hair reached out his hand towards you. "Hey sorry didn't noticed you there!" With a smiling face that shines bright as the sun, you tried to come up with words to say to him, "A-ah no, I'm the one who needs to say sorry, I was too focused to botjer with my surroundings." You grabbed the man's hand and he helps you up. "Oh. I think I haven't seen you before, you new here?" You were just blushing at him and noticing how well built he is, after the question prossed in your mind you stuttered your answer, "A-ah yes, I'm (Y/N) and it's nice to meet you..." "Vane, I'm Vane, nice to meet you too (Y/N)" you both shook hands, a bond created between you two.

~ Few months have pass~

It was summer, but it didn't stop you from training with Vane on the beach. Both of you planned to train then swim afterwards, with a suprise BBQ, you gotta thank Lancelot that he noticed younwere developing a crush on Vane and he told you to get Vane's heart is through his stomach. You were panting really hard now, both of you are almost at your limit, with one final push, you tried to hit Vane but miss and he attacked but you dodged, both of you fell face forward into the ground. "I'm beat! C'mon (Y/N) let's go for a swim!" You saw the blond strip down to his swimming trunks, you blushed mandly but tried to hide it,"V-Vane! You shouldn't take your clothes off! Specialy infront of a girl!" You were screamming but internally you liked it,"What don't like what ya see? Haha just kiddin, you should get your swim gear on too!" You sighed and nodded, you got up and went to the beach house.

~Few moments later~

You changed into your (F/C) swim suit but before joining Vane, you gotta set-up first the suprise, you plan to confess your feeling to Vane tonight.

~half an hour later~

"Hey (Y/N) why you took so long?" You tried to think of an excuse to say, "Oh I just went back and searched for something, don't worry I found it!" "Huh Ok sure, say (Y/N) race you to that rock?" He pointed out to the sea, you nodded and ready your body for the swim race. "Last one there get's to pay for the winner's dinner!" He started off without a proper go signal, "Hey you cheater! Get back here!" You played with Vane the whole day.

~A few hours later~

Vane one the swimming race, with a grin he said "So whatchu gonna treat me with?" With a smile forming you grabed his hand and led him to the secret spot. With twinkling eyes, Vane was suprised, "Tada! I was already planning a BBQ with you tonight!" You smiled as you saw he's mouth water. You both ate, after that both of you tried to scare one another by scary storied near the fire until you interupted, "Hey Vane" "Yeah?" "I liked you from some time now and I was hoping if we could become a couple?" You were closing your eyes thinking he'll reject you, but you got off guard when he kissed your forehead, "Hey (Y/N), I liked you too, and actually it's lancey's idea to bring you to the beach, I also wanted to make you mine." With a suprised face you said "Actually this is also Lancey's idea, bring a BBQ" both of you laughed when you both realized that your friend set you both up, "I guess were official (Y/N)" " Yeah.. I think so too" you kissed his lips softly then he cuddled you near the fire until it was time to sleep.
Sorry for the wait, I really have bad case of writer's block

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2019 ⏰

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