Summer Date: Lancelot(Lancey♡♡) x Reader

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It was a nice summer day, you and the other members of the crew decided that it would be fun going to the beach today. You were planing to get a new swim suit, as you were looking at the selected items you saw someone familiar, it was Lancelot, a small blush crept to your cheeks, for you see you had a big crush on Lancelot and planned that you can get his attention in an new swim suit, "Hey Lancey!" You tried to get his attention but his eyes were fixated on the swim suits, with no other choice you went up to him and tapped him on the shoulder, which caused him to be on alert, but after he saw you he let his guard down and smiled.

"Oh miss Y/N what a suprise! Do you want to get a new swimsuit as well?" You nodded and showed him some swim suits you had picked up. "So Lancey, picked anything yet" you were contemplating on what he was gonna wear, but his voice brought you back from your thinking position, "As of now this is what I seem to like." He showed you a summer jacket that is blue and white and navy blue pants, you were trying to stop a big red blush coming up fron your cheeks, after a few seconds you gave him a smile "Lancey! That looks perfect on you!! You should try it!"

After that you went back to your own clothes shoping but still thought about the time you to spent together, you saw a (One piece/ Two piece) with (fav. Color) and testing it on, you kinda liked the swim suit so you bought it thinking that lancey will like it also, you went back to the air ship with a big smile on the face, proud that you're gonna where that and gonna get Lancey's attention.

Now that you have reterned to the ship, you straight forwardly went to Djeeta's room and asked some pointers on how to get closer to Lancey, you were jealous at first at how close the two were but after Djeeta noticed some looks of jealousy explained that they were just sparing partners and nothing more

*le time skip*

You were checking yourself out on the mirror to know if you look good or nah on the swim suit. Now you got of the ship and into the beach, you saw evryone there, Elmott on cooking duty and some other crewmates helping them, Percival looking after the kids and animals (Cause he really thinks that his the king of the kids and animals).

You were playing beach volleyball against Djeeta and the others, but that's not the thing that worries you, you haven't seen Lancelot in the beach. Djeeta seeing your stressed face automaticaly knew who you were thinking of. "Hey Y/N, you know that Lancelot wen't for a mission right?" You were in shock but beacuse of Djeeta's words you remember a faint shadow that was going off the ship. You connected it, the one who got off was Lancelot.

Djeeta seeing your sadden face said "Don't worry. He'll be here in no time, and maybe you'll gonna confess tonight!" Djeeta winks at you and you turn red out of the comment.

*Le wait for Love*

It was sunset and you just sat at the shore thinking what you'll do for the vacation then a sudden tap made you look behind, there is the man you waited for a long time in his summer outfit, you were stoping yourself at looking at his body.

"So miss Y/N heard the Captain that you were looking for me. Why is that?" You were rushing in your brain due to the sudden outburst of events and in the limited time you had you said "Will you have a beach date with me?" 

Lancelot was in shock of what you said and was blushing hard. "O-oh of course" 

You spent time playing with him and the others at the beach until it was midnight. You asked him to go to this secluded spot on the beach, preparing yourself to tell him how you feel.

Minutes passed then you heard a soft huff, you saw Lancelot jogging up to you. "Sorry for being late." "No problem at all." You were stuck, you couldn't say, you were scared if he'll reject you but you had to muster up the strength, you called him out here and not gonna tell, so for a few seconds you gathered up the strength and said, "Lancelot I love you, back then when I was new to the crew you were the first one helping other that Djeeta, you trained me in sword fighting and help me on my missions, when I was sick you helped nurse me back up, I really love you Lancelot, Please accpet my feelings!" You held up a small letter up to him and for a sec you know he'll reject you but he took the letter and said "Miss Y/N I felt the same why as you, at first you were shy and only sticked to the captain, I became close to you and finally see the true colors you were hiding, to say that your colors as such beautyful, miss Y/N I love you also." With a tender smile on you hugged him and stayed at that spot looking up at the stars.

Ah sorry for not updating regularly. Me have mental block and school ugh but thanks if you still reading this and if you want any character from gbf to have a story here please request it. Well see you next time

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