31 ↠ happy endings

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We both look at the boys who stopped fighting.

Josh has a black eye, and Jacob's nose is bleeding.

"You guys need to get cleaned up," I state, before walking out of the room.

We walk down the hall in silence until Maddie speaks up.

"I have some big news to tell you when we get back to our dorm!" Maddie says excitedly.

Chapter 31


I'm excited to hear Maddie's news. I wonder what it could be.

Suddenly, a thought hits me. Is she pregnant?

"No, that couldn't be possible," I think, "Unless..."

When we get back to our room we flop down onto my bed.

"Maddie are you pregnant?" I blurt out.

Maddie looks shocked.

"No Chloe! I wouldn't do that. I was going to tell you that Jacob and I are dating," Maddie says.

I breathe a sigh of relief, but then I tense up, when I realize she's dating my ex.

"You're dating Jacob?" I ask shakily.

She must sense the shakiness in my voice, because she says, "Yeah, but if you don't want me to date him, it's okay, I'll just break up with him. You're my best friend and I want you to be happy."

I relax and smile.

"No Maddie, I want you to be happy too, and that's with Jacob," I say.

"Thanks Chloe! I'm so glad I have you in my life," Maddie says and smiles.

"Me too," I say.

"I'm so sorry for how I acted when we were younger," Maddie apologizes.

"It's fine," I assure her.

"I was just so jealous, but now I've finally found my happiness, and so have you," she smiles as she says it, with happy tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Come on, let's go to Starbucks and catch up on what we've missed in each other's lives, since we got in that big fight when we were ten," I suggest.

Maddie goes into the closet and grabs a jacket for her, and one for me. We walk out of our dorm together, remembering to lock the door on the way out.

In the hall, we run into Jacob and Josh, now clean, and not bleeding. It's almost as if they never got into a fight, except for Josh's black eye, although it looks better now, and Jacob's slightly bruised nose.

"I'm so sorry, Chloe, for slapping Jacob and starting the fight, and kissing Maddie, and being a jerk. I just had never met Jacob before, and I thought he was a rude, stuck-up guy, but I've gotten to get to know him in the past fifteen minutes, and he's a great guy. Please forgive me Chloe, I love you more than anything and I need you in my life," Josh explains, putting his heart into it.

I kiss him on the cheek and whisper in his ear, "It's okay, I forgive you, and I love you too, Joshua."

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Jacob and Maddie talking, before Maddie gives him a kiss and winks at me.

Josh and I separate, and I smile at him before grabbing Maddie's arm and pulling her into the elevator.

"I feel like my whole life has been leading up to today," Maddie says.

"Me too," I agree.

The elevator dings, signaling that we reached the first floor.

We walk out the door giggling, and talking about how we think our future will be.

After a lot of bumps along the way, I finally found my happy ending.

A/N: Wow! That's the end of One True Pair. Please read the full author's note, I know it's long, but it's important and it's worth it (I think).

This ending was really unexpected for me, because I thought it was going to be a lot longer, but then I realized it wasn't going anywhere, so I should probably end it.

Also, it's been a long time since I updated, since I was on vacation, so thanks for being patient for the final chapter.

Thank you so so much for reading One True Pair. I had so much fun writing this, and reading all your sweet comments.

Also, I highly suggest that you reread it. It's a lot better when you read it all at once. It flows better and you might notice thing you didn't before. I would also appreciate it if you voted for some of the chapters you didn't vote for before, when you are reading it the second time.

Once again, thanks so much for reading. ilyasm!

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