Chapter 3

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I open my eyes to see Alice's face right in front of mine.

Hanging on to the bed she said, "They're serving breakfast. Wake up so you don't miss it!" She jumped down from the edge of her bed and ran to the bars. She sat in front of them like a little doggy. Actually, everyone was doing that. I jumped off my bed and followed suit, sitting on the floor next to Alice's smiling face. She almost reminds me of Yuki.

Everyone started pounding on the ground. All in sync, as the guards came walking down the halls with platters of what they call food. The pounding continued all the way to our cell. Which was somewhere in the middle. The pounding continued. The guards opened our gate just large enough to step in and put our plates down.

I grinned. "Let's have a little fun." I whispered to Alice. She grinned. Knowing exactly what I was going to do.

I stood up to the guard, grabbed his elbow and pushed him onto my bed. Grabbed a bread roll from my lunch tray and shoved it in his mouth. I walked out of the cell, locking it behind me. The pounding continued. But in addition, there were murmurs that the other guard hadn't noticed.

He didn't notice me walk up to him and say, "Need a hand. I'm finshed with my side." I tried my most manliet voice possible. Without looking, the guard said sure and motioned towards the plates. By then he was inside of another cell, serving the food. There were chuckles behind the pounding that continued. I grabbed a few trays and handed them out. Opening and closing gates. A huge grin smothering my face.

After surving three cells, I reached the red-haired boy's cell. He was sitting on the floor, pounding like the others. His green-ish eyes trained on me. A small smile on his face. There wasn't anyone sitting next to him. Or anyone else behind the bars. Maybe his cell mate was moved or something. I opened his gate and knelt down. Setting the tray by his knee.

Then there was a shout, "Hey! You! How'd you get out? Where's John?!"

I let out a long sigh, "Looks like the game's over." I whispered to him.

Frowning I stood up. Gave him a small smile and turned around, locking the gate beind me.

"Hey, chill man. I was just curious on how long it would take you to notice." I smirked. Putting my hands up, to show that I meant no harm, I walk back over to my cell. The guard grabs me by the elbow and pushes me inside. "Took you long enough to notice." I smirked even more.

By then the other guard was out and away. Me, on the floor eating my boring food. Everyone shouting and yelling.

"You go girl!"

"That was hilarious."

"Man guards are so stupid!" I loved it. This place might not be that bad after all.

Sorry this one was so boring. The next one will take place on the same day but a little before free time. And it should also contain lunch time too. It should also contain the red-headed boy. Hope you enjoy! <3 GunslingerGirl24

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