Chapter 1

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"Hey sis! Come look at what I found!"

An 8 year old, silver haired twin yelled from outside. I sat at the table reading a book. I get up, my silver hair in a single pony tail lightly brushing the floor, and walk over to where my sister squats over a piece of an unknown object.

"What did you find this time?" I asked as I knelt down next to her. There was something wooden outline with gold buried in the ground. Only part of the top was showing.

"What is it?" I asked. Not sure if it was safe to dig up or not. There must be a reason this thing is buried. I thought to myself as my twin started brushing the dirt off the top.

"Wanna see what's inside?" Yuki asks me. Her eyes filled with curiosity.

"Minus well. Two twins, curious to find out what's in this mysterious box, buried inside of the ground in a random spot. Seems fair enough." I smirked.

"That's the spirit, Yukiko." Yuki encourages, teasingly. We both start clawing at the edge of the box trying to dig it up as fast as we could. Letting our curiosity take control of our movements.

We pulled out a beautiful box with gold out linings, forming beautiful designs. We brought it to surface and studied the intricate decorations. Tracing the edges of an open circle, it belongs to a key.

"Aw man! We need a key?!" Yuki groans. A mischievous grin forms on my lips.

"Who said we needed a key?"

"Unless you can pick a lock?"

I just smile. Yuki then realizes that what she just said, was true. A questioned look takes away Yuki's beautiful face.

"Let's just say that I've had some practice." I smirk. "You got a bobby pin?"

Yuki pulls out a small black pin and hands it over to me. I take it and wedge it into the small hole. I move it around a little till I hear a soft click coming from inside the box. I look over to see an awed looking Yuki, so I just smile.

"Wanna open it?" I ask. "Since you found it and all."

"Why not open it together?"

I nod and I reach over for the lid. Yuki follows suit but I notice her hands shake a little. I meet her eyes and say,

"It will be all right. If anything jumps out at us, I'll just have to kick in the crotch."

Yuki giggles. "What if it's a ghost?"

"It wont be any different. I'm able to touch ghosts, remember." I smiled. She's so cute!

"Haha. Ok."

We both reach for the lid, holding each others hands and slowly lift it. A bright light escapes through the cracks and consumes us in a blinding glow. The light dims down a bit and we are able to make out a long, shiny, metal thing. We both let out a sigh if relief as we realize it's just a dagger.

"A dagger? Why would somebody bury a dagger inside of a locked chest?" Yuki wondered out loud.

"Maybe it carries the souls of a thousand men!" I said excitedly. I like to scare Yuki sometimes. And it seemed as if it worked.

"Don't joke about that!" Her beautiful blue eyes start to water.

"Hey. I was kidding. Don't go crying on me." She brought up a hint of a smile.

"Should we touch it?"

Yuki just shook her head. "I'm not. But you can. Just don't cut yourself."

I rolled my blood red eyes. "Yes mom," I teased.

But what they didn't know was that cutting themselves isn't what they should be worrying about.

The air grew heavy and thick as I leaned over to touch the shiny dagger. It felt like there was a magnetic pull, pulling me closer and closer. The dagger was warm and smooth to the touch. How strange I think to myself. It almost feels alive.

"Hear that?" I get pulled out of my train of thought when Yuki asked a question.

"Huh? Hear what?" I reply. There was absolute silence. The birds stopped chirping. The wind had also stopped whistling. I look up to see the clouds smothering the sun, making everything eerie and dark.

"This is scary." Yuki scoots closer to me.

"Mom!?" I yell. Nothing. Just silence.

"Dad?!" Yuki yells. A deafening silence answers in response.

"They're probably sleeping." Yuki says, looking over to the house.

As her head turned, I had this sudden urge to pick up the dagger. My body started moving on it's own. As if I were a puppet being pulled by strings. My hand slowly grabs the handle and lifts it out of its box. Yuki's head, still turned, waiting for a sign of their mother or father.

Blood. A light whisper was heard in the back of my head. With the dagger in my hands I suddenly push it into the back of my hand. Beautiful liquid started leaking out of the deep wound in my hand. No pain at all. Just warmth. The shiny metal, visible on the other side of my hand. I then slowly ease it's way out of my hand. The metal was now covered in dark, red syrup. Now drag it across your heart. The whisper then comands.

"What? No." I whimper under my breath. Yuki then turns over. Her eyes grow wide, noticing my hand.

Then all of a sudden my hands move on it's own once again but this time it's raised high in the air. Then without knowing what's going on, I plunge it into Yuki's heart. With a scream and tears, she's laid over the dirt. I drop the dagger, tears in my eyes. I rush over and craddle Yuki in my arms. Warm blood seeps through the wound on her heart. Wrapping me in a puddle of red liquid.

"Yuki! Yuki, wake up! I'm so sorry, Yuki!" Drops of tears river down the dead twins face.

"YUKI!!!" Mom and Dad then rush out to see me craddling my blood-stained twin. Tears start filling their eyes. Mom falls to her knees yanking Yuki out of my arms. "What did you do!" She looks over at the dagger by my side. I just sit there in shock and pain.

"I-I stabbed her." Silence. Then Mom shrieks and balls over the limo body cradled in her arms. "I stabbed her!!" I start screaming. This isn't happening! I didn't mean to! Mom, believe me! But words just wouldn't form. Tears rolled down my eyes silently. Dad steps up to me and kneels down.

A flash of a hand and a stinging sensation rushes through my cheek. He slapped me?!

"I-I didn't mean to."

Words finally escaped my mouth. But it had came out as a whisper. He looked me deep in my eyes. Blood splattered all over my face.

"I'm calling the cops." He then stood up and angrily rushed to the house.

"No! I didn't mean to!" I collapsed on the floor. Hands on my face. A waterfall of tears escaped out my eyes.

Mom looked at me with red, puffy eyes, from crying and said, "I knew you were always the bad one."

That stung. Yeah I was a little naughty. And, maybe, I did get into fights a lot. But I would never hurt my beautiful, cute, smart, adorable, kind twin... I couldn't finish my thoughts from the sirens yelling behind me. Sirens shrieked and three cop cars parked in front of me. Six police men rushed out of their cars, guns loaded and pointed my way.

One of them walked over to me and nodded to the body laying limp next to me, "You the one, kid?" I need to pay for my sins now. I will do this because I killed my sister. I nodded my blood-stained head.

"Come with us, please." The officer pulled out hand cuffs. I stood up and turned around, dagger secretly in my hands. There, infront of me, I could see my parents standing there. Yuki in their hands and pain wirtten on their faces.

Yuki had taught me how to hide small objects where no one would bother to look. A smile slowly crept onto my face.

The officers pulled me into their car, the smile still on my face. As we pulled away, I turned to look at my parents and mouthed, You're next. And smirked.

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