Chapter 5

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I stood there. Hands in a fist. Feet spread apart. Waiting for the moment she'd make the first move.

Alice ran at me, a flash of orange, swinging her fists. I jumped in the air as she swings her legs under my feet. Big mistake. Still in the air, I flipped and smashed her head into the ground with my foot. I landed with ease on my feet. Then, with reflexes like a cat I ducked as Alice threw a fast punch at me. She's pretty good. I stood up straight and popped her in the nose. Causing her to bleed.

I smirk. "Had enough beating?"

She smiles. "Not even close." She's one tough chick. We're gonna be good friends.

I threw a few more punches. Most of them hitting her face or her gut. I could hear grunts and shouts from around us. Everyone eagerly waiting to see the champion.

"Raise magic, 1%," I whisper so no one could hear me. I chuckle and before I know it, Alice was on the floor moaning in pain. "Crap. Maybe it was too much."

I kneel down and ask, "Are you ok? I'm sorry."

She grins, "Don't be sorry idiot. It was fair and square. You beat me. Now if you excuse me. I have to go puke," she joked smiling.

"Let's head back."

I could hear shouts and bets being paid. I giggle. I haven't had this much fun in a while. Or maybe it just seems like forever because Yuki isn't here.

The flashback of my stupidity flashed through my brain. There the whole sene played out. The dagger. My bloody sister. My sobbing parents.

I looked down at the dying girl in my arms. I watched as she slowly faded away from existence in my arms. But then I realized that I actually watched her disappear. She was gone when I was threatening my parents. Through all the commotion I hadn't bothered to make face my fears and look in their arms. The I saw it from the side of my eye. She wasn't in their arms anymore. Where was she?

Is she alive?!

"You okay Yukiko?" Alice asks. Pulling me away from my thoughts.

"Yeah. I'm fine," but I couldn't stop thinking if she was alive or not. She couldn't have. I stabbed her in the heart. My stomach twisted as I thought that.

"You know I'm kinda hungry. Wanna go to the cafeteria?"

I nod. We walk into the cafeteria, everyone watching us as we make our way over to the line.

I could hear whispers.

"She's so small."

"She's probably weak."

"What brought her here."

I scowled at them.

"Oooh. Looks like she got some fight in her."

"Look at the other one. She's all beat up."

"Probably ran into The Cruncher."

The Cruncher? Who's that? I lean over to whisper in Alice's ear to find she's not next to me anymore. I turn back over and I find Alice shouting at some guy. Probably was talking about us.

"You idiot. I didn't run in to the cruncher. I was beat by her. She's freakin tough so you better watch your mouth when around her. She'll pound all your common sense into the dirt. If you had any."

"Oh crap," I sigh and walk over to her. Making her release his shirt. Maybe I should play along. This should be fun. "Yeah. You better watch it," I could see them chuckling. "What's so funny?"

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