Chapter 4

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#101 in randy!!! That's an achievement whoop!!!

anyway there's a foetus pic at the top, I just thought it was cute as heck.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter. It's pretty sad but nothing that triggering. Mentions of self harm. Grab your tissues.

Andys pov

"Fovvs are you sure this is a good idea?" Brooklyn asked me, rye had gone to the toilet so we discussing how to confront him.

"No, I'm not sure. But we're his friends! We need to help him or at least try." I said, it was getting very frustrating.

"So you wrote a song for him?" Jack said, going over the plan in his head.

"Yes, it's called don't hurt yourself. We all need to learn it asap."

I handed them all a sheet of paper each with some lyric on, they looked over them and smiled.

"Can we have a go at singing it?" Mikey asked, he was in a really good mood after his date with Harvey last night. I think something happened... I'm glad I want in hearing distance

I nodded and grabbed my guitar, strumming the first chords to it. Jack sung, getting the timing slightly off, but he got there eventually. There was a bit I wrote in for rye, but I gave that bit split between Mikey and brook.

I sung the bridge and we all did the chorus. It went basically like this for the rest of the song.

"I think it'll work." Jack said, running a finger through his messy hair.

"I hope so"

- a few days later -

We were doing the plan somewhere safe for all of us to be ourselves, so we all went to brooks house. We told rye that it was gonna be just a rehearsal but we needed to talk to him, or sing about it I guess.

I sat him down in a chair.

"Listen, please. Just Listen to the song, and don't hurt yourself." I said as I saw his eyes already filling with tears. He was probably confused how we knew but I'm sure he'll thank us.

"Andy wrote this song for you Mate, just know that please" Jack said, a sad smile on his face.

"We're here for ya Rye" Mikey said, a similar expression to jack on his face.

"Love you bro" Brooklyn said, it looked like he was finding it hard not to go hug rye, but jack had his hand comfortably on brooks lag, reassuring him.

"When you wrote me that letter
I wish that we were together
So I could say that everything's alright" jack sung, his voice full of pain. It wasn't his voice but his face that I knew made rye start sobbing.

"You told me you didn't matter
And that your hope had been shattered
You said you feel like giving up the fight" Mikey and brook sung together, Brooklyn couldn't even look up, he was actually crying already, Mikey did look, but he looked hurt.

"I know it feels like more than you can take
But you're strong enough, believe me when I say" I sung this part, and believe you me you could tell I was crying, my voice broke and I had tears streaming. 

"I will never leave you
You can always be you
'Cause even when you feel alone no you ain't by yourself
I'm a shoulder you can cry on
And I'm someone to rely on
'Cause even when you feel alone
You won't need no one else
So don't hurt yourself" I took this as an opportunity to look at rye, he was broken, he was sobbing. His hand was covering his mouth, I guess to stop any noise.

"I know at home it ain't perfect
The battle scars they ain't worth it
But I don't wanna read between the lines" Brook sang, his voice also cracking

"I know at times it can burn you
The ones who care they deserve you
Just stick around there will be better times" mikey I say was the most calm out of all of us, which wasn't that surprising.

"I know it feels like more than you can take
But you're strong enough, believe me when I say" every word I said was inaudible, it was being covered by the amount of sobs escaping my mouth. Rye doesn't realise how perfect he is.

"I will never leave you
You can always be you
'Cause even when you feel alone no you ain't by yourself
I'm a shoulder you can cry on
And I'm someone to rely on
'Cause even when you feel alone
You won't need no one else
So don't hurt yourself"

"We are gonna give you all the love that you could need
Just promise me that you will never leave" I sung, not breaking eye contact with rye, and he looked so broken, that it was tearing my heart to shreds.

"I will never leave you
You can always be you
'Cause even when you feel alone no you ain't by yourself
I'm a shoulder you can cry on
And I'm someone to rely on
'Cause even when you feel alone
You won't need no one else
So don't hurt yourself"

When the song finished I placed my guitar on the side and ran into Ryes arms watching him start to break in my arms. He sobbed into my shoulder as I rubbed his back,

"I'm here" I whispered as he hugged me so tight I could die, but he's here and he's safe.

The rest of the boys joined in on the hug as rye finally had a genuine smile on his face

"I'm sorry." He spoke, looking down slightly. I put my finger under his chin and made him look at me.

"You Do not have to be sorry." I said as the other boys nodded. Rye hugged me again, and I rubbed his back, making sure he was ok.

"That song is the truth, whatever the hell is happening to you, know we will NEVER leave you ok? Just know that we love you, we will always love you. You're perfect and nobody will ever change that!" I said, watching him nod. He looked so broken, but he had more happy emotions than I'd seen in a long time.

"My dad hits me." He said, not even processing or warning us he was going to say it.

"What!?" We all shouted in unison.

"Every time I do something slightly wrong , like get a bad grade or lose a match on football." He looked down. "It's why I do it."

We all shared looks before Brooklyn finally spoke.

"Rye, you're going to stay here ok?" Brook said, although we all knew it wasn't a question.

"Robbie can drop your stuff off." Mikey suggested as rye smiled lightly and nodded.

"Thanks you."

This pained me to write. I cried. But ryes gonna be happy, I promise. And maybe a few others will be moving into brooks? You will have to wait and see.

Sorry for this being so sad btw, just hope you liked it 💝

- 🥰

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