Chapter 7

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Thanks for the love again guys. This chapters strange. 😂😂💗


GENUINE SMUT WARNING. DONT JUDGE ME AND GET A BIBLE (to pray for forgiveness because Jesus you will need it)

Also I spend an hour writing this and it deleted itself. Yes I love life

- enjoy

Brooklyn's pov

We were sat in a circle on the floor. Rye was making Andy drink water (he kept protesting). Mikey and Harvey were laughing at jack, who was currently being a drunken idiot.

"Ok, I got an app!" Harvey called out, putting his phone in the middle of the circle. All attention was on it.

He typed all our names in and pressed spin, so it'd choose who would get chosen to answer.

"Brooklyn! Truth or dare mate?" Harvey asked me, a cheeky grin on his face.

"Dare, I'm not going down easy." I heard people laugh at me as I grinned, Harvey clicked dare and waited for a result.

"Oh Jesus why did we download the adult one. Ok, take off all your clothes except one item and leave them off for the rest of the game." Mikey burst out laughing as I sighed and started taking off my hoodie. I meant what I said, I wasn't going down easy. The one item i left on was my boxers.

Here's advice from me, if you're going to try hide when you're only in a pair of boxers, don't try hide with your knees up. I did, and everyone in that room saw my ass.

"brook, please save us all that sight and put your legs down!" Rye said laughing as I quickly sat down normally, blushing like an idiot.

"Just click it again." Mikey spoke, an amused smile on his face. He was enjoying watching me suffer, I could tell.

Harvey shuffled it again, and the name read andy.

"H-hi I'm andyyyy" Andy said, making a high pitched giggle at the end.

"Truth or dare?" Andy just stared at Harvey who asked he question, he was too drunk to understand.

"Dareeee" he said, still giggling.

"Ok, it says.... , oh sweet lord, it says you have to do the most sexual thing you can to somebody, but you must be fully clothed and no kissing, however because my innocent eyes don't want this, please make it reasonably appropriate" Harvey said, awkwardly laughing.

Ryes pov

I was expecting Andy to go over to mikey or jack, they all seemed closer, but when he grabbed my arm and pushed me against the wall roughly, all I could do was blush. I stood there, trying to act as non-turned on as possible. I think it was failing though as my pants were getting tighter.

"Ok go!" Mikey screamed, causing Andy to walk up to me, and pin my hand above my head.

The thing he did next was the thing that shocked me most. He didn't know what he was doing, because he was drunk. But he still did it.

He grabbed my hips and grinded them with his. Causing me to let out an extremely loud moan. Andy just smirked and placed his hands where his hips used to be.

I looked over his head, to see the boys in pure shock. And I'm almost completely sure they were filming it.

"Andy the bo-" he cut me off when he started palming me through my jeans, causing me to make more of a squeal then a moan. I could hear jack and Brooklyn laughing as Andy quickened up his movement.

"A-andy Jesus c-Christ" I moaned, practically panting.

"OK PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD SEPARATE NOW!" Mikey said, pulling us apart. Andy had a smirk on his face as he sat back down. I was just shocked.

"This is a straight man kiddos!" Harvey said, referring to me. He had filmed it on mikeys phone.

"Y-you filmed it!? You fucking perv!" I said, turning even redder.

It was only when he played the sound of the video that I was probably the beet red. I didn't realise it was playing until I heard myself moan, and I cringed so hard.

"Y-Yeah lets just c-carry on!" I stuttered, trying my best to hide my very obvious erection.

"Ok then..." Harvey put down mikeys phone (after sending the video to himself) and picked up his. He clicked on the wheel and watched it spin.

A/N - they got adult truth or dare app on Harvey's phone. Meaning it would have really strange dares. Haha
- dani

"Jack." Harvey said with an emotionless expression. What the fuck?

"Yes?" Jack replied, his voice cracking due to the high amount of vodka he drank.

"Let me guess, dare?" Jack nodded, he was almost glaring at Harvey as he spoke, and Harvey looked sort of guilty.

"Ok, call the person to your left daddy for the rest of the game, on look it's brook." Harvey said laughing. I saw the half naked blonde blush and gulp, no he had a kink...

Brooklyn's pov

Out of all the people who could've gotten this dare it had to be jack about me. I know jacks nature. I know what he's like. He knows he to seduce people and he's got me under his stupid fucking spell.

Except I also like him as a person, not just the fact that he's a raining sex god.

"Why does he have to do this again?" I said, furrowing my eyebrows and putting on a fake annoyed face.

"It's the game daddy" jack said, innocently. I let out a squeak as everyone looked at me.

"Had something in my throat." I spoke, trying to cover it up.

"I'll take good care of you daddy." He spoke, rubbing my back. My breath hitched as I blushed.



Ok there was funny shit in this chapter. A randy dare and a sexual Jacklyn one.


also, do you prefer the lead up to a relationship or do you like it when they're in one??

Idk 😂😂💗

Have a good one

- 💞

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