Chapter 16

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Enjoy a bit of Jacklyn and Mikey. Don't own rt x

- r

Mikeys pov

Too much has gone on recently. We have to have the music video done in less than a month!

rye and Andy aren't speaking friendly, and jack and brook are hiding obvious things. I'm stuck basically being a 5th wheel.

Ryes (thankfully) not acting as broken as he used to anymore. though he seems kind of lost. Andy has gained quite a bit of sass now though, he ditched his horrible outfits and started dressing up, as if he was trying to impress someone.

oh I wonder who...

jack and brook made me promise not to say anything, probably because their reputations are on the line. I doubt they're even in a relationship, it's probably some arrangement to 'satisfy' their needs.

so far, we were editing two of our songs, No No No and Not Giving up. All our bodies were sprawled out on Brooklyn and ryes bedroom floor, in a circle. All staring down at a small piece of paper andy was scribbling on.

"what goes here then?" Brooklyn asked, pointing his finger to the middle of the page.

"It's the next verse after the chorus, and frankly brook if I knew what was going there I would've wrote it down!" Andy snapped, rolling his eyes. Brook backed away and huffed out an unimpressed sigh.

"my place honey let's go nuts...? Really andy that's what you put?" Jack laughed slightly as Andy turned crimson red.

"What's wrong with those lyrics!?"

"What isn't wrong with them" I butted in, giggling away.

"they sound... creepily suggestive Fovvs" Brooklyn spoke, his face red from laughing.

Andy lay back on the floor and stared up at the ceiling. It was easy to notice the obvious loss of sleep he's been having recently. There were clear bags under his eyes.

I then cast my eyes up to ryan, who was slumped over emotionlessly. He laughed from now and then but honestly just looked shattered. His face looked like a permanent frown.

"My place baby lets have sex!" Brooklyn suddenly shouted, awakening me from my thoughts.

"No!" Me, Andy and rye said whilst jack chuckled and smirked. Of course, only I noticed that- like usual- only i seem to know!

"You idiots! I meant those are the lyrics we should put!" Brook said giggling.

"Aren't they also, and I quote you here brook, creepily suggestive?" Andy fought back with a smirk.

"My place se20x." Rye finally said, his voice almost drained of lifeforce but the tone wasn't unhappy at all.

"It fits?" I spoke up.

Andy nodded and scribbled it down onto his sheet, brushing it off after it was finished and smiling.

"I say we have ourselves a winner boys!" Jack screeched happily as we all cheered- even rye.

"You can all go home now! But jack... can we speak about our um... homework assignment?" Brook said, his voice giddy and light. I rolled my eyes and waved goodbye to the boys, getting ready to walk back to my second life.

Brooks pov

Andy and Mikey had both left, leaving me, jack and rye in the room. It was awkwardly silent, in a terrible way.

"You ok man?" Jack asked to rye, who had been staring out the window for the past 20 minutes.

"Mmh" rye hummed out, bidding.

"There's some tension going on that I don't know about and it's driving me nuts. You aren't happy again rye, can't you at least tell us why??"

It was silent for a minute, I guess because jack had just shouted- something he never does.

"Imgay" I thought I heard something, but I needed more confirmation.

"What?" I asked him.

"I'm gay." He said quietly, tears filling his eyes and he hugged his knees, turning his face away.

"oh. that's cool." Jack said, and I could see what he was doing. He was purposely not making a big deal out of it, which is probably what ryes afraid of. Or maybe one of the things.

"That's it?" Said rye, facing us. He had red cheeks and puffy eyes.

"Yes. I'm not going to baby you and act like you're a different person. You're Ryan freaking Beaumont! You own the school, you own the goddamn town! You went through an incredibly hard time- and made it through alive. So what if you're gay, who gives a fuck. You're still you." Jack said, and by the end he was breathless. I was speechless, jacks so much more than a pretty face, a good body and a shitty reputation. He's caring, loving even.

Rye just stared up at jack with big eyes, probably shocked at his friends reaction. Then I saw his gaze fall to me. And decided I probably had to speak.

"I agree with jack, you're a great person rye. I wouldn't be able to even be slightly okay after all the shit you've gone through. You're brave and strong- you can make it through." I smiled as warmly as I could and walked over to him, embracing him in a loose hug. I closed my eyes as I felt his body relax.

"Thank you." He muttered.

Ok- everyone's pissed at rye. So am I. But honestly he's making progress. And he's finally came out! It's a small step in him accepting himself- as he'll probably continue his fake face of being heterosexual, but he's going to get there if you stick by him.

listen to the advice I put btw- about coming out- it really helped a friend of mine x

- r

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