Prince Alex

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The Order

I stared at my father in disbelief. I can't come to terms with what he just said. "Father, I know I've been a little disobedient but don't you think your punishment is a bit too incongruous?"

"I believe I'm being as lenient as I can Alex." He said sternly. "I think this getaway will do you a lot of good."

"With all due respect Father, I don't think I'm going to take that trip." I said confidently.

He stood up from his study table and pushed his chair back. "This is not a request Alex. It's an order. You are a prince. You are in line to be king. This trip will hopefully be beneficial to you in helping you to see life from a different perspective. You have it too easy here."

I sighed. There was no debating with my father once his mind was made up. I guess there was no avoiding it. I will be on the next plane to America.

"May I ask where in America I will be staying father?"

My father smiled. "You'll be staying in California in a nice city called Fresno."

"Fresno? I've never heard of it before. Is there any chance that you will change your mind father? I will do anything. Give up my hotel privileges, social media or you can take back one or two of my cars. Anything father."

My father shook his head. "There's no going back. It has all being arranged already. You will be staying in a nice apartment in California. You may leave now."

"OK. Father." I bowed in respect and left.

I sighed. I promised myself I won't get angry at him but who does he think he is to tell me where I can and cannot go. Well he's the king but I'm a grown man. I can do whatever I want. I can go wherever I want. This isn't the eighteenth century where I have to do whatever he says. I angrily shoved random items into my suitcase while grumbling to myself.

A knock on the door made me only angrier. "What do you want?" I demanded when Jeffrey walked in.

"King Richard asked me to accompany you." He said.

"Do I look like a child. I can take a damn plane by myself." I barked at him but he didn't seem to be phased by my arrogance.

"It was an order from the King, your Highness. He requested that you take nothing from the palace when you leave for your trip."

"Say what now?!" I know I couldn't have heard him correctly. This must be some sort of joke.

I pushed passed Jeffrey and walked hastily towards my father's study. "What is the meaning of this father?" I blurted once I pushed the door open.

"Excuse my son's rudeness." He said to the man sitting across from him. "Please give us some privacy. We will continue this tomorrow."

"Ok. Your Majesty." The man bowed then shook my father's hand.

He bowed again once he passed me leaning on the door. I didn't acknowledge him. I walled over to my father's desk demanding answers.

"Jeffrey just informed me that I can take none of my belongings with me. Is this true?"

"Well you can take all your belongings with you." Father said and I exhaled.

"I guess Jeffrey wants to take what is mine once I leave. That little-"

"You can take all the belongings that you actually bought for yourself." My father stopped me in mid-sentence.

"What? I've never bought anything for myself before. How harsh are you going to be? I've learnt my lesson. I won't be ungrateful anymore." I tried my best to reason with him.

"I'm not being harsh Alex. I'm paying a month's rent for your apartment so that's a start." He smiled and leaned back.

"A month?" I couldn't hide my surprise. "What am I supposed to do about the other months?" I gripped the cushioned chair trying to alleviate my anger.

"You will do what any average person would do. Figure it out."

"Ugh! This is very unfair." I groaned and my father smiled.

"Your flight leaves soon. You better hurry before it leaves you."

And so I found myself on a flight to America with nothing but the clothes on my back and Jeffrey, my father's right hand man accompanying me.

I have never ridden in a cab before and my first time was awful. The cab driver behaved rather rudely when I requested that he wipe the seat before I sit on it. I ended up wiping it myself and needless to say, the ride was very uncomfortable.

I exhaled when we finally reached the apartment.

We walked up the creaking steps and my skin crawled. This is unacceptable. There was graffiti on the walls and some of the steps were broken. This couldn't be the place my father chose for me to live.

"Jeffrey are you sure we are in the right place?" I asked.

"Yes sir. We are." He said wearily. "Here we are. Room number nineteen. Enjoy." He said as he placed the keys in my hand and turned to leave.

"Wait. Aren't you staying?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Of course not. My job was to accompany you here and I did so goodnight." He said and left hurriedly.

Great. Now what?

I pushed the old door open and clicked on the light. There was a single coach and an old television in the quaint, small living area which had a tiny kitchenette at one side.

The cream colour paint on the wall was stripping in some parts. I continued to the bedroom where I found a double bed and a single bedside table.

I was too tired from my flight to mind. I dropped myself on the old bed and after a few minutes of twisting and turning I was finally asleep.

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