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Poor Alex

I stepped into his apartment. So he's the new guy that moved into the building that I heard Beth telling her friend about. How could I be working with someone and not know that we live in the same apartment.

"Well this is my home." He said as he closed the door behind me.

I looked around. The place was awful. The paint on the wall was stripping and the place looked dull and dilapidated. If I didn't know better I would have said no one was living here.

"Your royal palace looks awful. Actually its fit for the king you will be one day. The king of untidiness." I joked but he looked hurt.

He held his chest. "Well its a good thing I have you, my queen, to make sure the house is always looking presentable." He retorted.
And to think I almost felt sorry for him a few seconds ago.

He sighed. "I just haven't gotten around to cleaning the place...and I kinda don't know how to." He told me sadly.

What grown person doesn't know how to clean? Didn't his mother teach him?

"If I help you find this girl, will you let me help you clean your apartment?" I asked and he laughed.

"You drive a hard bargain. You make it really hard for me to say no." He said, still laughing. "Yes, you can help me clean my apartment Cinderella."

I smacked him over the head. "Its Cindy!" I growled at him.

Just then my phone rang and I grabbed it from my bag.

"Yes Beth?" I answered.

She sounded a little worried. "Where are you Cindy? You should have been home from work by now."

"Relax Beth. I'm fine. I'm with Alex at his apartment." I told her and removed the phone from my ear as she squealed into it.

"Really?! You are at a guy's apartment? Sweet! I'll wait up for you. I want all the details as soon you get home."

"Goodnight Beth." I told her and hung up the phone.

"So when am I going to meet my sister in law?" Alex asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Where's dinner? I'm starving." I said and he took out the leftovers he brought from work and shared it between the both of us.

I really don't understand how someone can be so poor and always happy all the time. The man doesn't have a phone or even a microwave for crying out loud, and his TV shows only two colors: black and white. His life was hard and I felt so sorry for him. No one deserves to live like this. Doesn't he have any family or friends?

"So what do you know about the girl you're looking for?" I asked him as I bit into the cold chicken.

"Well I have her phone and I met her at the masquerade ball. She was wearing a red dress and she was absolutely stunning." He told me with a goofy smile on his face.

"And why didn't you ask her what her name was genius?" I asked and he sighed.

"I wasn't thinking about names at the moment. Her beauty practically left me speechless."

This was going to be hard. "Have you tried opening her phone? Has anyone tried to call her yet?" I asked him and he took the phone from his pocket.

"Oh shoot. The battery is dead." He said in his beautiful English accent. "I don't even have a charger. Oh darn."

I giggled. He sounded as if he belonged in a different era. "Give me the phone." I stretched out my hand. "I'll charge it overnight for you."

He held the phone away from me. "How can I be sure you won't take it for yourself. How can I trust you with something so valuable? I don't even know where you live Cinderella."

"Number one, I have my own phone. Number two, we work at the same place and number three, I live right down the hall. Why would I steal from you? Its not even your phone by the way."

He squinted his eyes at me. "You live in this building? How come I didn't know about this?"

"Well you don't really pay close attention to your surrounding."

"Of course I do. I'm a vigilant guy." He told me and I shook my head.

"When was the very first time you met me?" I asked him, knowing he won't remember.

"At the café of course." He answered cockily.

"Nope. I'm pretty sure we met outside this apartment when you tried to scam me and told me you were a prince?"

His face lit up. "That was you? Are you sure? You looked a lot prettier then. What happened to you."

"Jerk!" I shoved him. "I'm going home. Give me the phone."

He handed the phone to me and started walking out with me.
"Uhm....where are you going?" I asked him.

"I'm walking you to your door." He said nonchalantly. "I'm making sure you get home safely....although its just down the hall."

"Whatever Alex." I said, flashing my hair in his face.

We walked to my door in silence. Just as I was about to open the door it swung open.

"Goodnight Alex." I pushed passed Beth.

"Cindy didn't tell me how beautiful her sister was." Alex said, extending his hand to Beth. "I'm Alex. What's your name?"

Beth giggled. "I'm Beth." She said and Alex placed a kiss on her hand.

"Its nice to meet you Beth." He said sweetly. "Enjoy the rest of your night."

Alex left but Beth still had the door opened. I went and slammed it shut.

"Whew! You were with the new guy in his apartment?" She asked and I nodded and walked away.

She followed me into my room. "Girl he is hot!" She fanned herself. "You have to give me details! You must give me details." She begged.

"Details..Hhmmmm....Well I'm helping him find a girlfriend." I told Beth. Her mouth opened and closed a few times but no words came out.

"Goodnight Beth." I pushed her out of my room and shut the door.

She was clearly exaggerating. Alex was not all that. He was just an ordinary guy.

I put the phone to charge and went to sleep. I needed to wake early before Beth got up and started interrogating me again.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2019 ⏰

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