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In front of  a very large mansion, stood a young girl around 16, her hair was ( hair length). The wind was strong enough to pick up lightly and tangle it in hits fingers as she walked forward. " House keeping service for Mr.Tatsua!" She shouted as the door opened to reveal a disheveled man with a cigar in his right hand.

This man  looked to be in his late forties, fat, he was clearly wheezing for breath as the smoke from his cigar rolled back into his face. The watch on his wrist was clearly expensive, a Rolex non the less. In the girls eyes it was clear that he had been high and hung over last night and it had carried over into the morning.

" Clean all of these damn rooms, don't pay no attention to what's goin on in em' mind your damn business and do your job. Speak a word of anything see, I'll have you and your family killed." The man slurred flicking the ashes from the cigar in her face.

The girl snared as she stepped inside of the mansion. She cringed at the smell. The main room of the building smelt of sex, cigarettes, and whiskey.

Her eyes scanned around the room taking notice of of the skimpily dressed girls with their faces stained with tears. She knew why these women where crying.

The men that also covered the room were only there to get their pleasure and live out their sick and twisted fantasies. They were the reason this room smelt like a dead animal to the girl, all of these men were the reason she enjoyed doing what she does.

"Everyone get down on your knees!! Now!" The (h/c) girl shouted pulling twin pistols from the waist band of her jeans.

All of the girls dropped to the ground holding their hands up shakily.

" I don't know who you think you are but-!" One of the men started yelling walking in her direction, as bullet dug into his chest killing him instantly.

" The names (y/n) (l/n). Put a good word in for me in hell. I'd really appreciate it." She said calmly as she pulled back the triggers of the guns. Spraying bullets throughout the room, care to not hit any of the women.

"W-wait!!! T-take whatever you want! M-money! Drugs! Whatever!" Mr.Tatsua shouted pulling out a wallet. " Here's a visa! Cash! You want cash right!? Take it!!" He yelled crawling at the girls feet.

" Is that money you made from running this place? Is that money you made from holding these girls for ransom?" (Y/n) snapped coldly pointing the barrel of the gun at his head.

Fear filled his eyes, as a shot rang out. Once Tatsua's body hit the ground she heard crying and whispered prayers from the women.

(Y/n) glanced over her shoulder before bending down and grabbing Tatsua's wallet from the ground.

Her eyes scanned over what was in the leather bound wallet clicking her tongue against the roof her mouth.

"One  grand right here and credit cards endless." She muttered glancing over at the table to see it full of cash.

" Alright! Take this cash, take whatever the hell you want! You're finally free ! Go home!!" (Y/n) ordered as the girl scrambled from the floor grabbed a stack of cash rushed out the wide open doors.

" T-thank you a-am forever in your favor!" One shouted before leaving.

(Y/n) then moved from the main room of the mansion, she moved throughout the rest of the rooms firing off bullets at every last man she saw in that mansion.

(Y/n) made sure to remove any trace that she could have left in the process. Once  that was finished (Y/n) took what cash was left, then took gasoline from the trolly that she had brought in and spread it throughout the marching,  lighting a match  tossing it inside while she was standing at the door. She leaned against the side of her black mustang as she smoked of the cigars she stole from mansion while it was still standing.

Her phone began to ring, " What? Tai." She snapped tossing the cigar to the ground and loading into the mustang.

" Oi oi oi! Boss calm down, I was just letting you know once you get here the gambling game with the drug dealers and murders are going down. You want us to wait?" Tai said his voice sounding in a frantic panic on the other line.

" Of course I want you to wait idiot. I'll be there in fifteen minutes." (Y/n) said hanging up, her grip on the steering wheel tightened.

As promised with in fifteen minutes she arrived at the meeting place.

"Tch these pricks couldn't even afford a nice casino or something. A damn warehouse is where this shit has to go down." (Y/n) said walking into the muggy air of the warehouse.

" About damn time! We've been waiting for hours!" A man with sliver hair shouted throwing his hands up.

"I was tying up some business. Shall we began the game gentlemen?" (Y/n) said taking her seat at the table as Tai stood behind her as a guard.

A few hours had passed and (y/n) had won almost all of the rounds, this was the make or break time.

" I fold."

" Me too."

" I've almost went broke here I fold damnit."

" Can't risk it I fold."

" The bitch can keep my money I fold."

Now all that was left was  (y/n) and one other male. " Alright show the cards." The man land down a Five, Ten, a jack, a queen and an ace. Smirking the man looked to (y/n).

She sat down her hand, " Royal flush." She said smirking, the man flipped the table pointing a gun at her.
" You cheating bitch! I'll Kill you! Right here! Give me my money back! Give me all of the money!!" He screamed blood lust clear in his eyes.

" I will do no such thing you prick. I didn't cheat you just suck at poker." She said smartly as he pull the trigger of the gun and the bullet went through her chest.

The man smirk walking over to (y/n)'s body starting to dig through her pockets as he felt a hand around his thought from the body under him.

"Damn I love my power. Immortality. Makes this job even better seeing Bastards like you scared when I come back from the dead. But you sure as hell won't be coming back."(y/n) said grabbing the gun from his hands pulling the trigger then throwing his body away from her.

The other men began to run as she took her aim at them taking them out as well. " Tai. Take care of these bodies and this place." (Y/n) said sighing the bullet free from herself then walking away from the warehouse.

"Yes ma'am." Tai said nodding.

-UA Teachers POV-

" This (y/n) person has been killing people non stop this week. There's usually a pause but not this time. Should we be worried for our students?" Midnight said worriedly.

" Everyone is on edge Midnight. This person is just now making their self known." Fatgum said putting a hand on his chin.

" Multiple heroes have been after them but they've never found them ." Aizawa said.

" That's why I'm worried. What if they show up at the school? We could end up having a incident like when the league of villains attacked." Midnight said tapping her fingers on the large desk.

" I do not believe we need to worry. They haven't made themselves known to us or the school. They haven't attacked innocent people yet. Once that comes to the surface then we may need to be fearful for our studens. Right now we tell them nothing about this. Any of students could go out looking for trouble now." All Might said coughing.

"Right. We don't tell them about this threat until it's absolutely necessary. But we all need to be on our feet we don't know what they are capable of with their quirks which is unknown to us." Nezuo said nodding,

" Right." Everyone replied nodding.

I'm not the villain here  (Deku x Villian! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now