Chapter 37

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" This my time to talk with him, what are you here for, Yuuya?" The man said titling his head as he talked to Yuuya.

' Yuuya!? As in (y/n)'s brother? The user of all of One for all before me?' Izuku thought as he looked up at the male who stood beside of him.

" Moral support. Go on and give him that big huge speech you gave me when I got this quirk." Yuuya said as he removed his had from Izuku'a head before sitting down on the ground beside of him.

' Get Ready Izuku, it's a long speech.'

Izuku looked shocked as he glanced at him again. Yuuya didn't even move his lips Izuku heard that in his head, Yuuya then pointed to the older man.

" You can do it as long as you work hard! You can accomplish anything! Oh looks like my time is running out, so listen little boy, the power you just released was my Quirk. Vestiges of us are mixed into the core of our power. We've been living inside of one for all, all along." He said.

"It's a small core. A dot inside of the flickering fire or the undulating wave our powers are cultivated there. It is the sourced our hidden strength. That core has seriously started to swell. Even more than what it was when Yuuya had control of it, and that thing was pretty damn big then. Some times in the gaps you might be able to see how one for all Is growing." The man explained.

" Earlier you where thinkin' grab her or capture her. You were thinking that weren't you? The appropriate quirk for that intention was my ' black whip'. You're lucky mine was the first to come out it's a great quirk! But remember this quirk has ten fold the power than what it did when I had it! That's why you accidentally stabbed (y/n)!" He explained as Izuku's eyes widened.

" Shit I'm disappearing. Guess that's why I'm starting to feel all light. A down side to only living in your heart. Do you get it? When your angry the power will respond in kind. It's essential you control what's in your heart." He said tapping Izuku's chest with his fist.

"It's okay to get angry kid, but when you do you have to be vigilant with this power or you could end up hurting someone again, like you did (y/n). I know you'd never want to hurt her she seems to mean a lot to you. With nine people preceding you, one for all is becoming insanely strong. Do you get it now kid? You have six quirks to discover. Take control of your heart and master our powers!" He said before he completely vanished.

" Well that was a lot more dramatic than when I got the speech." Yuuya chuckled as he stood up.

The black mist then released Izuku's mouth, " I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt (y/n) while we were fighting! I didn't even know I was mad!" Izuku said quickly.

" Hey hey calm down! I'm not upset with you! I made a few mistakes when I got four of these quirks it wasn't too pretty, I hurt my best friend pretty bad when one of them popped up." Yuuya said with a smile.

"Yagi picked a really strong and smart successor. I'm glad you came after me. You're absolutely amazing Izuku. But there's still a few things your having a hard time doing. I noticed you're only at 20%." Yuuya said.

" Yeah... my body can only handle 20% right now. If go pass that my bones start to break and shatter." Izuku said sighing.

" I made it to 49% by the time the UA sports festival came around, and I had some control of four of the other successors quirks. I think you have the potential to surpass me and conquer 100% and master all six of the remained quirks. If you inherit my dormant quirk you'll be able to surpass ever single successor of one for all." Yuuya said he held his out and grasping the air in it as though he was catching the goal he had just mentioned.

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