Chapter 35

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" Still bleeding from where you got shot? That's something new... Maybe I can get rid of you now!" Dabi yelled as Fire was sent her way consuming her body.

Hawks stares in pure shock as the muscle started to very slowly wrap back around (y/n)'s body.

" Fuck! (y/n)! There's no need to do this put that away!" Hawks yelled stepping in front of Dabi as (y/n) pulled a gun out from its holster.

"The hell is wrong with you?! You under some mind control or something Hawks!? He works for the guy who killed Yuuya! He vandalized his gave site!" (Y/n) yelled.

" Yeah, he's right under my control. This dick seems to control a lot of people." Dabi said with a smirk making vulgar motion with his hands.

" Hawks you better fucking move!" (Y/n) snapped cocking gun back.

" (y/n), please just calm down. Put the gun down you clearly need to go to the hospital and not be here picking fights with the league." Hawks said walking closer to her.

" Well you seem to not be doing your job correctly so allow me to do it for you!" (Y/n) yelled slinging Hawks out of the way.

" Come at me. You're still not healed from my fire anyways. You're entire lefts side is just muscle and bone." Dabi said with smirk raising his hand back up.

Hawks slammed his hand harshly into the back of (y/n)'s neck knocking her out.

He quickly caught her and picked her up. " I'll kill you if you hurt her. You understand that?" He snapped.

" Oh but of course. I would never think about hurting a monster like her. I'd hate to another person on her kill list. You're associated with the league now, I hope she doesn't kill you once she wakes up Hawks." Dabi said with a smirk as he stepped back into the warp portal.

Hawks waited beside of (y/n)'s hospital bed with a feather resting in his hand.

' I hate having to hold this damn thing.. she's going to try and attack me when she wakes up I just know it.' Hawks thought sighing.

(Y/n)'s eyes fluttered open, and they narrowed at Hawks, she jerked the IV out of her arm and  wrapped it around his throat.

" Why!? Why would you associate with them!" She yelled pain was clear in her voice as Hawks clawed at his throat.

Hawks then took the feather and cut throw the thin line of clear plastic.

Hawks grabbed her arm and flipped her over  his shoulder, twisting her still healing arm behind her back and shoving  her face into the hospital bed with his other hand hold her head down.

" I don't see how you expect me to answer with you choking me out." Hawks said (y/n) struggled to get free of his grip.

" They killed Yuuya and you're working with them! I don't even care that your a traitor! I care that your working with the group who kill my brother! Your best friend!" (Y/n) yelled at him, tears falling down her face.

" Don't yell so loudly (y/n). People will hear you." Hawks sighed in a whisper.

"Endeavor's right next door isn't he? Don't want him to know his partner is a traitor or anything right?" She snapped at him.

"(Y/n), you're talking about things you don't know about. You need to calm down, I'm not a traitor. I was asked to make friends out of the league. You know how I feel about Shigaraki and what the rest of the league did to Yuuya's grave was discussing. This is only temporary." Hawks whispered to her as the door the hospital flew open.

" (y/n)!" Izuku shouted as he looked at the scene in front of him.

" Hey! She's hurt let her go! What did she even do to you?" Izuku yelled shoving Hawks off of (y/n) quickly helping her back up into the bed.

I'm not the villain here  (Deku x Villian! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now