Chapter 16

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" All I want to do is protect her smile. I want to protect everyone's smile. I don't ever want to see pain or sadness across anyone's face. Specially her's. That's..... That's why I want to be a hero. I swear to you All Might if you give me this chance, I'll make sure everyone never has to worry about being endangered, because I will defend everyone even the lowest of people until my dying breath." Yagi's eyes widen as he watch the TV those words from Yuuya's mouth rang in his head.

' I have to protect her for Yuuya, that's all he ever wanted was for her to grow up happy and safe... I've already let him down enough, but now I'll protect her for his sake.' Yagi said standing up from his couch. He threw on his hero uniform. " Texas Smash!" He shouted slamming his fist on the door destroying it knocking its undead guard away from it.

' Hang on Young (y/n).' He thought running through the streets.

" You just think you're such hot shit huh!?" Dabi yelled as blue flame engulfed (y/n) from the side.

,Y/n) swatted her hand through the flames, her cold (e/c) orbs darted his way.

" I don't have a fight with you Toyuya." (Y/n) said looking back at her main target.

" Don't be a fool (y/n)! It's not like you can fight all of us on your own!" Tomura laughed.

" Watch me." She hissed kicking Tomura in the side sending him flying.

"You're that girl that's been hanging around my Izuku." Toga giggle as she walked towards (y/n) with a glint in her eyes.

Toga launches her knife at (y/n), as she begins to start running at her.

The knife jabs inside (y/n)'s arm as Toga practically tackles (y/n).

" Your Izuku Huh?" (Y/n) hissed grabbing Toga by her hair then she slams her fist into Toga's multiple times.

She then slings her away into Dabi. She then felt sizzling on her face, her mask was slowly fading away into ashes.

" Why hide your pretty little face? Everyone needs to see this monster!" Tomura yelled clocking (y/n) in the side of her face as she stumbled back with a little scratch on her cheek as a small trickle of blood cane from it.

" Shit." Mekhi said looking over at Tai who was watching intently.

" Heroes will be here any second let's get ready Mekhi." Tai said tearing his gaze away from her fight.

" Right." Mekhi said as his bones burst out from his back with a cracking sound.

The pair starting walking towards the main route the heroes would take to get to the fight. "

I'm the monster!?" She yelled clutching her fist starting to walk forward.

" But you at least I'm not the one with dead Daddy issues." She said smirking getting ready to swing her weapon at the blue haired demon in human form.

" You Damn bitch." Tomura said. Flames cut in between the two, as measuring tapes wrapped themselves around (y/n)'s body then contracted.

" Go get her spinner! Dabi was usually isn't helpful but for once at least he bought me some time." Twice said as (y/n) snapped her head around to look at the other men.

In a split second a sword detached (y/n)'s head from her body. Spinner and Twice high five each other.

"Her body shoulda was dropped by now..." Twice said as getting to making a clone of her.

The headless body the walks over to the head, and picks the head up by its hair.

" Cheap ass move." She said before her head reattached itself to the body.

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