Chapter 2

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As (y/n) made her way down the streets of Tokyo at night she saw a girl sitting on the side of the road.

She was beautiful, long lush hair, unblemished skin, skinny. The girl's arm were crossed over each other resting on her legs as she cried into them.

(Y/n) could guess what was happening to her. " Hey." (Y/n) said stoping beside of her.

"100 dollars a night. No excep-" a large stack of cash was slapped in front of her.

" Take this, buy less revealing clothes, go to school buy a place for yourself and get a job. And if I see you on this street again we'll have a problem." (Y/n) said walking on.
" Thank you! Thank you so much!!" The girl shouted to her, (y/n) gave a small smile to herself continuing on her way back to the place she called ' home'.

It wasn't her real home and never will be but that's were she stays.  She soon enters the well hidden building.

"Where the hell have you been it's well past the time you said you'd be back!? Who were you fighting that caused the shitty mess on third street!?" Tai shouted as (y/n) walked through the door and at 30 minutes past one.

"You can't be doing this shit! You know why we're doing this! Why are you putting us in danger like that!? You came face to face with a damn pro hero and almost got caught!!" Tai shouted at her.

" I don't want your speeches Tai.... I couldn't control myself. I was itching for a fight." She lied waking back to her room.

" Don't you start walking away from this! We need to talk you may be the boss here but that doesn't mea-"

"Tai knock it off leave her alone." Mekhi said.

"Oh really boney!? Do you have any-"

" I said leave her alone. It's not like she stayed around to talk to the pro hero, she didn't even give him, her name or quirk ability. We're safe, so leave her the hell alone Tai or we will have a problem. Neither one of us have a right to speak to her like that. She saved us from being locked up for the rest of our lives. This isn't how you repay someone." Mekhi snapped as Tai became quite and let out a sigh.

" Whatever." He said walking away.

' Why does he have to be such a prick?' Mekhi thought clicking away on his computer.

'Izuku Midoriya. Student at UA high school, class 1-A hero course. Quirk: Super power?? , Age 15. So this little broccoli boy was the one who picked (y/n) up from that alley. I'll have to pay you a visit, kid. You might cause us a problem.' Mekhi thought shutting down the computer and heading to his room.

(Y/n) sat on her bed looking down at her hands, in them she held the butterfly knife.

She sighs, ' I should've killed him when he got a hold of me. I need him dead or this will forever be my life. Who am I kidding. I'll never be like them, this will be my life until the day I die.' (Y/n) thought looking at a picture that stood on a dresser in the corner of her room. She walked over to it.

A tall man with black hair - that had a tent of (h/c) in it- had his arms wrapped around a slender woman with gorgeous long (h/c) hair.

Another tall male stood there, he had short black hair with piercing blue eyes, he grinned ear to ear, holding a girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair.

The look on the girls face showed she was content and happy, but it also practically told the male holding her that she was too old for that.

(Y/n) grabbed the frame slamming it on to the ground. The glass cover shattered and went in ever direction.

(Y/n)  went into the corner and brought her knees up to her chest, like it was the only thing she had left to hold onto. ' Why couldn't they have been like me?' She thought laying her head against the wall closing her eyes.

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