Chapter 3 : Tasuku and Hoshimi in the sky

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Tasuku's Pov:

Hoshimi and I went though the sky by flying it was beautiful when it was day and night . And also Hoshimi-chan when we were childhood we just talking and playing each other . And I felt like I have a crush on her and I have a brush on my check and Jack was looking at me . " Tasuku why are you brushing ? " Jack said to me .

" No Jack I just-" I was cut by Hoshimi is looking at me " What are u talking about Tasuku ? " She said to me ' What I going to do ' I said to myself and I ask " We just talking about my job 😅 " I lied and she continued looking at the sky . " It was beautiful is it Tasuku 😊 " She said and I look at her ' She was a beautiful done over w-wait did I said that thing ' I said to myself .

" So Hoshimi ? "

" Yes Tasuku ? "

" I was wonder if u know the last time we meet when we are childhood ? "

" I remember that I never lose that memories and I sorry that your mother is died "

" That's ok I'm sure my mother watch me when I grow up "

" Yeah I know "

" So Hoshimi there is I want to ask u "

" What is it Tasuku ? "

" I love u Hoshimi "


" I know it was crazy bu-"

" That's ok Tasuku I love u the way it is " She smile at me and I smile back . The sun is down and it was dark there is a moon and the stars around in the sky . " So Tasuku I show your match anyways " Hoshimi said to me " yeah it was fun to challenge u know " I said and I laugh and she giggle a little bit .

" Oh there's my house over there " She point a big house and we land safety and she hug me " Thank u for flying me in my house Tasuku and it was fun to fly even the other's buddy fighters " She smile before she go to her house I grab her hand and I kiss her in the lips and I let go of her .

" See u tomorrow Hoshimi Tsubasa 😉 " i said and I use my buddy skill ' Buddy Skill on ' so I fly though the air and also Jack.

" Wow Tasuku u really like her are u ? "

" Yes and kind of a little bit " so I said to Jack .

Hoshimi's Pov:

I was about to go to my house and Tasuku grab my hand and kiss me with a lips so he let go and he said " See u Tomorrow Hoshimi Tsubasa " so he left using his buddyskill . If he is gone I was bushing so hard suddenly Buster is out of his card and turning to mini Form . " Hoshimi are u ok ? " Buster said and I snap out and look at my buddy Buster .

" I fine really " I said and I laugh a little bit . " Ok Hoshimi let's get inside your house " Buster said and I was waking to the steps of the house ' Oh Tasuku ' I smile a little and I go inside my house .

After 2 hours later.....

I was done eating and I done saying good night to my mom and dad and I was in my room and I laid down in my bed and I was thinking about Tasuku and when I look at the picture-frame in my table it was my picture of Tasuku and Me when we were grade 3 I smile and I put it back .

And I feel so sleeping and I sleep in my bed .

To Be Continued.......

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