Chapter 12: Agent Commander II story

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I was in the BuddyAgent base and I heard Amaya ask me that . I will go to Agent Commander II But why ? So I was walking to Agent Commander II 's office so I knock slowly . " U may come in Hoshimi....... " He said with a low voice with a quit part . " What did u want me to do Agent Commander II ? " I ask him and he not repealed to me and I only know was he walking out of the office .

" Follow me Hoshimi-sepi 😔 " ( Agent Commander II )

" Um...... Ok 😕 " ( Hoshimi )

So he was walking and I follow him and suddenly if we walking he stop . " Hoshimi there is something about Your Agent Commander I before he become a Commander Hoshimi Tsubasa " he said and he use a card " Cue I need your help " he rise his card and a shining like a sun is down and it was a monster ' Is that Armor Dragon, Celebre ' I know all of BuddyFight world of flags .

" Yes Haru ? " ( Cue )

" I need u as mine partner " ( Haru/ Agent Commander II )

" Yes Haru " ( Cue )

* Change into mini form *

" Hey what's going on here ? " ( ??? )

* He gets out and turns to mini form *

" Oh Buster i just.......... " ( Hoshimi )

" I know anything ok " ( Buster )

" Let's go " ( Haru / Agent Commander II )

Hoshimi's Pov:

I was about to tell him why he is look sad " Agent Commander II ? " I said and he look at me " Yes Hoshimi ? " he replied and he open a old metal door . It looks like old if we in the metal door there was a picture of a hero in the years . And also ABC 'cup . So I read there names ( U know already when Gao fight the 3 winners form the years ) . " What are we here Agent Commander II ? " I said to him and he look at me " I will tell u " he said .

" Agent Commander I had a buddy ....." He start to spoke to me . " Long ago when your Commander I and I were , the only family in the member , suddenly if we open our box of Buddyfight I was open the Legend world and your Commander was open a Katana world , and suddenly if we in the last card it was growing and your Commander gets a rare card his buddy named was ' Tsukikage, Big Shield ' and he called him for sort was 'Tsuki' and u know my buddy right ? " He said to me .

" Yes Agent Commander II your buddy was named was Armor Dragon, Celebre "( Hoshimi)

" Your smart Hoshimi Tsubasa , so I was saying was we battle together and if we grow up each other I leave Agent Commander I bc he is now a leader of the BuddyAgent ........ " he stop and he remove the dest on the small box's . Is it the one he ask me ? Is he about to say the reason ? And suddenly he open a small box it was a card and if I look at he got it looks like it was form Dragon World . " Here, Hoshimi I want u to keep it as your card " he said .

I remove the dest it was a monster it belongs to dragon world and it's size was 3 " Wow is that a-" I cut by he is starting to talk " Yes Hoshimi that monster named was Blue Sky Knight Leader, Crimson Arrow Dragon , I save it before I leave him " he said and tap on my shoulder . And I look at Buster he was clam " That monster is sure stronger then others " Buster said .

" Thanks......." ( Hoshimi )

" Your welcome , and I forgot to ask u something " ( Haru/ Agent Commander II )

" What is it then ? " ( Hoshimi )

" I want u to go with me bc we have a mission to do and your big mission with me is tomorrow " ( Haru / Agent Commander II )

" Ok Agent Commander II " ( Hoshimi )

" Buster see u next time " ( Cue )

" See u Next's time " ( Buster )

" And one more thing , I done ask your parents and teachers that u have a top mission " ( Haru/Agent Commander II )

" Ok " ( Hoshimi )

Tasuku's Pov:

I was waiting for Hoshimi-chan in the park and when I was in the job my friend Kuro-sepi meet Hoshimi Tsubasa . We'll I was fixing my hair and it was sun goes down I look at the sun . And suddenly I hear a footstep is coming closer . If I look around it was Hoshimi-chan .

" Oh Hi Tasuku what did u want me to meet u in the part , in the middle of the sun goes down ? " She ask me gentle .

" I want u to know I sorry i kiss u when we are in the sky " I said and now I'm a little shy to say it and Hoshimi come close to me and she give me a smile " That's ok Tasuku Ryujin , I forgive " She said to me and she was hiding something in the back . " Hoshimi what is in your back ? " I question to her and she show me a gift .

" W-what is it Hoshimi ? " ( Tasuku )

" Is a present thanks for the gift the one u give me Tasuku " ( Hoshimi )

So I open the present it was a bracelet with a dragon on it ( if u want to see the present search this ) so I wear it and I look at her . " I know u like dragons so I just-" I cut of her line and I grab her back and kiss her on the lips .

" S-sorry again I can not con-" ( Tasuku )

" That's ok Tasuku " ( Hoshimi )

" By the way I love this bracelet with a dragon " ( Tasuku )

" Thanks and keep it as your treasure , if I was gone u will remember me Tasuku " ( Hoshimi )

" I promise I will remember u when u where gone " ( Tasuku )

So we talk each other just like the year when we meet each other when we are childhood. And I will always be her and protect her no matter what happen to her .

" Hey Tasuku ? " ( Hoshimi )

" Yes Hoshimi ? " ( Tasuku )

" Tomorrow I will go with Agent Commander II " ( Hoshimi )

" we're are u going then ? " ( Tasuku )

" I don't know I only remember was we will leave this town " ( Hoshimi )

" So it means u leave ? " ( Tasuku )

" Yeah my parents said to me that Agent Commander II wants me to go with him the another city " ( Hoshimi )

* Taps on Hoshimi *

" That's ok if u were not here I always be there with u and I give u " ( Tasuku )

" Thank u for understand me Tasuku " ( Hoshimi )

" Yeah and your welcome Hoshimiy " ( Tasuku )

" What did u say to me ? " ( Hoshimi )

" O-nothing just........ Nothing 😅 " ( Tasuku )

And she come closer to me and she kiss me in the check and she leave and there is a note in my hair I start to read with my eyes ' Sorry about that Tasuku and u called me Hoshimiy but I like that u called me thanks ' so I was leavening the park and I called my buddy and I use my buddy skill ' Buddy Skill on ' so I fly though the air with Jack.

" Tasuku ? " ( Jack )

" What is it Jack ? " ( Tasuku )

" Who give it to u ?" ( Jack )

* I look at my bracelet the one Hoshimi give it to me *

" Oh Hoshimi give it to me " ( Tasuku )

" I know it u have a girlfriend " ( Jack )

" Is..... Is not my girl friend u know we just friends !!" ( Tasuku )

" Tasuku I just kidding u know " ( Jack )

And I forgive my buddy Jack I hope he is not telling to Hoshimi . About this

To be Continued........

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