Chapter 1

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**Jessica's p.o.v**

My name is Jessica, but I prefer Jess. I just turned 14 years old. I was abused and raped my dad. All the people that tried to adopt me had to give me back, because of how I acted. That's all that is to me. Oh one last thing I like to keep to myself. 

-On with the story-

I was sitting on my bed which was by the window writing in my jornal. I never wanted to be adopted that's why I stay in my room. I got the window bed, because just in case anything happened. I didn't have any one in my room, 1 no one likes me, 2 they all were adopted. I put my journal in my bag. Pat, a worker, came into my room.

"YOU'RE BEING ADOPTED!" She yelled, jumping up and down.

"NOO!!" I screamed.

"Come with me."


"Ok then hard way it is." She said throwing me over her shoulder.

"PUT ME DOWN! FUCK YOU! I'M JUST GONNA COME BACK! PUT ME DOWN PAT! YOU HOE! " I screamed and kicked untill I was thrown at the ground. I had my bag. Perfect. I ran out the door. I ran down the street as fast as I could. I turned down the street I was dreading. I saw my dad. To be honest I missed only, because he was my father. "DAD!" I yelled. Oh god I'm stupid. He turned around with a knife. I ran the opposite way. I ran in someones back yard and hopped the fence. I kept running til I saw a park. I ran over to the play structer and hid. I saw a teenage boy come up. He walked over to me so I got up and ran when I saw my dad again. Think fast. I climbed to the top of the swingset and sat up there. I saw Pat come over.

"Come down!" She yelled.

"Pat, I really can't. Let's play I spy. I spy someone with a KNIFE!" I said.

"Oh." She said and looked down. 5 teenage boys were around her. Wait! I climbed and ran overto my father. I kneed him in his manhood and punched him in the face. I ran off as fast as I could. I saw my dad. I climbed to the top of the swingset again.  He started coming up. I stood up and caught my balance and walked to the other end. He was right behind me. He pushed me to the ground. I pushed myself up and ran over to a girl my age.

"Hi. My name is Jessica." I said holding out my hand.

"Mines Abby." She said and shook my hand. I acted like someone else untill I got picked up. I screamed to the top of my lungs untill I was thrown into a fan. I saw the 5 teenage boys again. I got into the corner of the van and crawled in the corner. I brought my knees to my chest. They came over to me.


"YOU'RE A SLUT!" My dad yelled as he punched me in the stomach. I started crying so hard as he punched me over and over. "WHY WERE YOU BORN!" My dad yelled as I got another hit to the face. I started to black out.

*End of flashback*

I was crying, so I put my face in my lap. 

"It's ok Jess." Someone said. I didn't trust any one. Never have, never will. I looked up. "I'm Louis your legal gaurdian." said a boy with brown hair that was spiked slightly and he had blue eyes. 

"I'm Harry" A boy with curly hair and green eyes said.

"I'm Niall." a boy with dirty blonde hair and baby blue eyes said.

"I'm Zayn." He had dark hair spiked up in a quiff he had brown eyes.

"I'm Liam." He had light brown hair and brown eyes.

"And we're One Direction." they all said.

"Are you guys gay?" Was the first word to come out of my mouth.

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