Chapter 6

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**Jessica's p.o.v**

I woke up and got out of bed. I walked over to my closet. I looked through all of my clothes and picked, a loose white tank top, yellow shorts, and a brown belt. I put them on and put on some mascara. I grabbed a bunch of money and snuck out. I ran to the sally's beauty supply and grabbed a bunch of hair dye then went to a hair salon. I handed the lady the things and told her what I wanted, since I knew the boys would never agree to this. I just want something different. Who cares that they spaz out, because I left with out them? Not me. Kind why I left without them knowing. I'm such a badass. It took about 2 or 3 hours, then the lady said she was done. I paid and left with my new hair. It was a bunch of colors. The top was a light pinkish purple color, then pink, then dark purple, then a blur color. I smiled and ran home. I walked inside to see the boys all nervous. I chuckled and they all looked up. They all had this look that told me 'RUN! JESSICA! RUN'. I kind of ran to my room and locked the door. I herd them all come to the door.

"How do you like it? I wanted to suprise you all with something new and cool, so I figured let's suprise those five boys that I love dearly with a new hair style." I said sweetly.

"Open the door. NOW!" Louis said angry. I cautiously unlocked the door and stepped back a couple feet. I really hope I don't get killed.

"Come in." I said nervosly. They came in looking angry.

*Flash back*

Dad rushed into my room with an angry look on his face.

"Hi daddy."I said sweetly. He pushed me to the ground and punched me till I was bleeding horribly. He threw me on the bed and kept hitting me. I was screaming to the top of my lungs.

*End of flash back*

I fell to the ground screaming and crying. It seemed as if I was actually feeling him punch me, through the flash back. I looked up and saw the boys weren't there. They truly don't care I guess. I grabbed a small backpack and packed my most favorite clothes. I threw it out the window and shut and locked my door. I climbed out my window and grabbed my backpack. I let a tear fall the ran off to the park. I sat on the swing when I got there I cried to myself.

"Why me?" I whispered. I saw a figure start walk to me. I fell off the swing and brought my legs to my chest crying. I pulled a tmy hair crying. "Why me?" I repeated. I looked up to the person. They picked me up. "Why me?" I kept repeating. Sobbing in the persons shoulder. I pulled away to see Cooper. He kissed my cheek.

"Are you ok?" He asked. I looked down. I honestly don't know what I feel any more. I looked back up to him. I shook my head. "Want to go to my house?" He asked. I nodded. He carried me to his house. He sat me on his bed I'm guessing. He sat next to me. He kissed my forehead. "What's wrong sweetheart?"

"I dyed my hair, then the boys got mad at me and I got a flash back, they didn't care. Not one little bit, I feel so alone and lost. I ran away. I need some time away." I said. I looked down and focused in on my fingers. He gently pulled my head towards him.

"Listen to me, you're beautiful. They do care. They were just angry you did that without asking. They would have not if you asked." He said. I nodded. He picked me up bridal style. I wrapped my arms around his neck and drifted off to sleep. I woke by being handed to someone. I looked up to see Niall. I slapped him and jumped out of his arms. I didn't have my bag but screw it. I ran out the door. Full speed I ran down the road. I saw a small alley you have to be super skinny to get into. I walked in and sat aganist the wall. I put my head in my hands and sobbed loudly.

"Hello?" I herd someone. I looked up to see a girl about 17.

"H-hello" I stuttered.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"Do you know the band One Direction?" I asked.


"I was adopted by them and they are causing me problems and I just need some time is all." I said. She nodded understandingly.

"Well, come to my place. You seem like a nice girl. I would love to have you for a couple days." She said with a big smile.

"Ok." I said. I stood up and followed her to her house. Once I got in there she pushed me to the ground.

"You don't deserve to be adopted by the boys." She said. 

"I didn't choose to! I actually wanted to stay there!" I yelled. She tied my hands and feet. She threw me over her shoulder and then threw me in the back of her car. The car stopped and she pulled me out and threw me into water. I tried untying the rope, but it wouldn't untie, I just gave up then. I knew that all my life was wrong and if I wouldn't have been born all of this wouldn't have happened. I was pulled up by some one. I was gsdping for air. I couldn't breathe. Then I blacked out.


Hey, thanks for reading. Please follow me on instagram. It's @saveaheart__ There is too underscores ( _ ) Please and thank you.

Thanks for reading





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