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Arias POV

I hit him against his chest he just smirked down at me I shook my head and said

"And where are the others?"

"Gone I dont know where there are"

I bit my lip and nodded


I said before continuing

"Kol bring my stuff to my room please"

he looked at me with a 'What?' look I just smiled and walked away to look for a room.


After Kol brought all my stuff up to my room I called Jake a few times but he never picked up. Its a underestimation saying I was worried


I yelled through the house he zoomed to me and said in his cute accent

"Yes darling"

I bit my lip and said

"Its about jake. I'm worried like really really really worried"

"And what can I do about it?"

"Help me search for him? Please"

he sighed


I smiled. He isn't that bad to be honest he's actually pretty nice! Well if he doesn't kill anyone or threatens anyone. shit I think I start having feelings for him. Like strong feelings. Frick. I can't act on it can I?


Srry! this chapo is so short :/

Next one will be longer amd better I promise!


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