
29 15 8

Started: 02 January 2019
Happy New Year

The wind was howling loudly outside, as if announcing something ominous is going to occur; causing the windows to bang loudly.

A black figure was hunched over a large bed placed in a marvellously decorated room.

Apparently, it was crying, judging from the erratic shaking of the body as loud sobs broke from its mouth.

It went for a few minutes before fading into eriee silence. As the figure rose, its long hair fell on her back. She stood still for a second too long as if in deep thought.

Suddenly, she launched herself under the bed, coming out quickly with a large bag.

She threw open the door to her large wardrobe and quickly packed the bag with her clothes, some products and other things which were way too dark to make out.

Once it was done,the girl took a long look around the room and threw the windows open;fighting against the strong pressure of the chilly night wind.

The dark figure leapt out of the room swift as water, without making a single sound, landing onto the hard platform.

Strapping the bag across her shoulder, the girl stood up tall and after taking a dagger from under the flower pot, strapped it in her belt.

Once again, the figure took a good look of the big house surrounding her and in the count of 3, bounded silently from there and for the first time, she did not turn back.

Hoooooot. First chapter up.

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