Chapter 20-Music News

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Wow, chapter 20 already?!


Its been two hours. Two hours.

We've been watching TV (Friends) while waiting. Me and Roxy are on our phones doing Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Occasionally going, 'Hey Rox, look at this a sec' and 'that tweet is soooo funny!'

At 10:30, we hear the front door open and in comes Emily and Luke with a snoring Ava in his arms. Luke and Em have bags under their eyes.

"Hi..." Emily grumbles before flopping down next to me. I notice that Ava's drooling. Classy...

"How was she?" Ash asks.

"Just amazing! She moaned that she hates the doctors, punched a nurse in the face so they had to inject Ava to fall asleep. They put these pads on her lips, eyes and the blotches on her face. We need to take them off tomorrow, and we had to force feed her pills so the swelling in her throat went down. Can we watch a film?" Luke asks. We nod and decide on watching kick-ass. Ava's head is in Luke's lap. When we decided to go to bed, Roxy, Em and I all got Ava into her PJ's. That was a hard task...

The guys pushed the Sofa's back so we all slept on the floor except Ava who slept on the small couch. The big couch was occupied by food. Well this was an interesting day...



I wake up to an empty lounge and banging in the kitchen. I pull the blanket off me and trudge into the kitchen only to find Red on her phone and Emily making bacon. There's one thing you need to know about Red, she cannot cook.

I repeat cannot cook.

Not even for her life. "Whaz up ADizzlePizzle?" Red asks. I flip her off and turn to Emily. I shrug, meaning 'where?'

"The guys went to an interview with The boys of The One Direction. Let's take those dumb pads off your face and eat something." she says, directing me to the bathroom.



"I can't believe we're meeting THE One Direction!" Calum excitedly claps.

"I know!" Michael agrees.

"Do you think we have to play a song or two?" Ash asks.

I'm pacing back and forth. "Dude, calm down. It's ok, Ava's ok, we're ok. We got this." Calum tells me. I'm about to answer him when a guys in a black polo shirt and black jeans comes in, holding a walkie-talkie.

"5 Seconds Of Summer?" he asks in a thick Irish accent. We all nod. "Hi, I'm Paul Higgins, nice to meet you fellas. Come this way." he shakes our hands before we make our way through a door only to meet One Direction...


Ash walks up to his front door and knocks. A few seconds later, Red comes running up and opens the door with a smile. "Hi guys!" We all hurry into the house and make our way into the sitting room. We come in to find Emily on her phone and Ava laying on the floor in front of an episode of Adventure Time.

"Hey Ava." I greet her. She puts her hand up sushing before saying a line.

"OH MY GLOB FINN!! MY BEANS!!" Ava screams and grabs the remote, pausing it before the next episode starts. She gets up off the floor and faces us, covering some of her face. "Hi guys." she mumbles.

"Why are you covering your face?" I ask.

She sighs and takes her hands away. Her lips are MUCH less swollen and her eyelids are normal but she has a couple of small blotches on her face still. "See?!" she shouts before slumping back on the floor and plays the episode.

"It's Adventure Time, c'mon grab your friends,

We'll go to very, distant lands,

With Jack The Dog and Finn The Human,

The fun will never end, it's ADVENTURE TIME!!" Ava screams. I hear chuckling and the boys and I look at Emily.

"The video of Ava dribbling already has over 10,000 views and 8,000 re-tweets! Ava, can you dribble again please?!" Emily cheekily asks.

"Go fuck yourself..." Ava mumbles, still glued to the TV.

"That's what I thought..." Emily replies.

Red comes in and lays down on all four of us guys. "Emily, you Peasant, go get grapes for your Highness!" Red orders in a very posh British accent.

Emily keeps clicking a way on her phone. "Go and get them yourself..." she mumbles.

We all push her off and she thuds as she falls to the floor. "Hey!" she shouts.

Emily looks up from her phone. "You don't even like grapes!"

Red looks hurt. "Well excuse me! How did the meeting go guys?"

"First, Ava listen to this!" Emily shouts and pauses the TV. Ava huffs and rolls to Emily's feet before getting on the sofa and laying her legs across her. Emily strokes her legs. "Good girl."

I open my mouth but Roxy comes in speaking on the phone. ''Hey ba-" Michael starts but Roxy points to the phone.

"I'm phoning Emily! Say that again Em." Roxy tells the other line.

"Ah, I see you made it Rox!" Emily shouts into the phone and hangs up. Roxy flinches at the noise of Emily screaming.

"Harsh..." Roxy mutters while walking over to the arm chair and slouching in it.

"Ok, basically, we played a couple of original songs to 1D and they loved us! We disgussed it and, if we sell an EP then we go on tour with them in 1 month!" Ash informs the girls.

"Oh My God!" Emily shouts.

"Shit?" Red says it like it's a question.

"Are you fucking with me?" Ava asks. We shake our heads and Ava jumps up.

"I'M SO EXCITED! AND I JUST CAN'T HIDE IT!" she screams before leaping at us and we fall off the couch, hitting the floor. "I knew you guys could do this music shit!" she screams before finding me and cupping my face as we share a kiss that's interrupted by the bell ringing. "I'll get it!" Ava shouts before running to the door and coming back holding a letter.

"What's that?" I ask. She stares at it and smiles.

"I know..." she tells us and rips open the envelope. Her eyes scan the letter and her jaw drops as the envelope falls to the floor. "Fuck..." she murmers.

"What?!" Emily asks.

Ava jumps up and down. ''I got in!"

"What?!" we all chorus. She smiles and sits back down next to Emily who tries to take a peek but Ava pulls it away.

"Ok, about a month ago, I had a crazy idea. To persue a career in music. The only amazing grades I got were art, drama, english and music. I either got an A or an A* in those subjects, to be honest the rest of my grades were crap. I went online and filled out a form and mum and dad had to sign it. The form was for The Voice UK. And now a month later, I get a letter from them saying that the producers loved my tape I sent. I do my audition in two days!" Ava screams towards the end. We all stand up and do one big group hug.

Ash has tears in his eyes. "Come here Ava!" he shouts as they share a hug.

"Congrats Ash." Ava tells him.

"You too. Pizza on me guys!" Ash tells everyone. We all cheer and Ava pulls away from the hug and grabs her phone to order pizza.

This has been an amazing day...

My brother's friend Luke *Book 1* (completed)Where stories live. Discover now