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Home was all she wanted, all she ever dreamt of having.

Miriam sighed, the house was getting too hot she decided to go out and get some fresh air. She walked to her wardrobe and changed the jumpsuit she was wearing to a light purple singlet and a bomb short, she wore her flip flops and began running down the stairs.

She opened the back door, the birds chirping and cock crowing made her smile, she loved nature. She walked towards her hammock relaxed on it.

This had always been her favorite hobby. She tried closing her eyes and using her imaginative power. She imagined , she was with her best friend laughing, dancing and crying, they were much older now, they were at an event, then some one walked up to her, held her waist and kissed her, his kiss so intense she lifted her right leg, when they were done she rested her head on his chest. Her best friend was admiring them and videoing the whole thing.

She tried imagining the person's face, it wasn't her ex. She could not just imagine his face enough to fit her personality. She decided to stop imagining the person's face till she met the right one then she would fix his face. Smiling, she opened her eyes to find another pair staring at her.

"Ahh!" She screamed as she fell off the hammock, the person laughed. She got up dusted her short and looked at the person.
"You know it's rude to stalk somebody!" She said angrily.
"I wasn't stalking." he replied calmly giving a smirk.
"What were you doing then?!"
"Hey, in my defense I was hanging my clothes when I saw someone lying on a hammock with a very weird smile, I thought it was my imagination till I saw your face and I must say, i'v never seen a girl with a smile of Mr bean in my entire life." he said in between laugh.
"Huh!" she gasp
"Very funny." she said again rolling her eyes.
"I'm Stephen by the way." he said bringing out his hand for a shake.
"Goodbye!" she said as she left inside. How rude! She thought.


A voice called from the verandah. It was her mother, she ran and quickly opened the door.

"Mum!" She greeted hugging her.
"How are you?" she asked hugging her too. Then walking inside.
" I'm fine now. I missed you though. So, did you secure a school for me?" She asked following her straight to the dinning.
"Yes ." she said after a gulp of water.
"Name?" She asked not excited at all.
"Royalties. "
"Okay, thanks mum." she said as her mood changed.
"Baby," her mum began, " it won't be like your former school but it's Better and has a beautiful scenario too." She said sitting down looking at her daughter.
"It's not just the buildings mum, things can never be the same. My home is in Ray Field international schools. that's where I met Mr Joseph who became my mentor , that's where I won my first award, that's where I met Marilyn." she said with tears in her eyes.
"Now listen hon, things don't always work out they way we want them, that's why we're humans that's why we adopt to things, even if we hate them. You'll move on, I promise, and I promise you'll meet Marilyn again, just trust me." she said placing her arm on her daughter.

After a long while Miriam spoke.

" I don't know if I can move on mum,but I'll try, thanks." She said as she left the table.

Moving in and out of neighborhood wasn't something she loved, she was scared of being alone, loosing old friends , and she could not just trust anyone. It wasn't her.

There was a knock on the door. She heard it but pretended like she didn't . She walked right past her mother , her mother looked at her with pity, her only child had suffered much making friends and remaking them. If only she could help her, her father had always been transferred from one state to the other right now they were in Port Harcourt . Her father a soldier. Mrs John turned to the door.

"I'm coming !". She sighed and walked to the sitting room.
" Who's there?" She asked again.
"Just neighbors." Someone answered. Mrs John opened the door.
"Oh hi, good evening." Mrs John greeted with smiles
"Evening dear." an elderly woman perhaps in her fifties replied , she was with a boy perhaps 17, they looked alike.
"Come in" Mrs John offered .

They two of them walked in and sat on the sofa.

"We came to welcome you to the neighborhood , it's been kind of lonely since the other neighbor moved out." the woman said.
"Oh, thank you."
"Ah it's nothing , have some fried fishes, I bought them on my way back from work."
"You shouldn't have ma'am , but thanks anyways." Mrs John Said collecting it.
"No problem , ah! this is my nephew, Stephen."
"Good evening ma." Stephen greeted bowing so Mrs john could pat his back( its a thing of respect in Nigeria.)
"Evening , oh and I forgot, I am Mrs Martha John ."
"Ooh are you Catholic?"
"Ooh I am Mrs Tade."
"Nice to meet you ma". She said as silence fell. She looked up the stairs.
"Oh I forgot to introduce you to my daughter , Miriam !"
"Yes mum!" Came a voice.

Soon a young girl about 16 ran down the stairs.

"Come greet our new neighbors"
"Oh" she replied, it wasn't new for her, she gave her mum a knowing look and walked towards where they were.

"Good evening ma, hi" she said bowing to the elderly woman and waving to the young man. Their eyes were locked for a second.

It was him.

"Ah fine girl, how old are you?"
"16 ma."
"What class?"

Stephen gave her a teasing smile.

"Oh okay , Mrs John nice to meet you, I have to get to church now, Stephen lets go" she said standing up.
"Bye Miriam and Mrs John." He said raising his brows one after the other to Miriam, she rolled her eyes.
"Okay ma , thank you ma." Mrs John and Miriam said.

"I'll never stop doing that" Miriam said with a sigh after they left.
"Sweetheart, I understand you're going through a lot right now, loosing your best friend and all. But you just have to understand. Just this last time then we'll move to our permanent house, the one your fathers is building in our home town in Calabar."
"I know , excuse me." Miriam said leaving her mum.

Her mum was all she had, she was like her elder sister, they've been together since her dad was always in the military front.

"Mum" she called back before she left for her room
"Yes dear"
"I'll always love you"
"Me too baby" she replied as her daughter left.


Hey guys, thanks for reading, I promise to update early and not keep y'all waiting. I love you guys 💕😘

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