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I'm so grateful😊😊🤗 115 reads, 38 votes. I'm so happy even though it isn't a very huge number I appreciate. Each time the number of reads increases I get excited. I also appreciate Treasure-mimii for being one of the first to vote on this book.
I dedicate this chapter to Eddy622. She's been of great help since I started this book, and also for the amazing cover.

Miriam threw her bag to the back seat as she buckled her seat belt. "James!" She called, he was not in the car. "I'll kill you if I'm late again!" She warned.

She brought out her phone and was about texting when she heard Voices, she raised her hair to find James and Eyebrows walking side by side laughing at some joke. No no no No! this idiot is not letting Eyebrows enter this car. She thought . Anger boiled inside her. She knew what her cousin was doing. He wanted her to reconcile.

"What the hell James?" She asked as he opened the door.
"What did I do?" He asked innocently. She looked at Mr eyebrows from the rear view mirror, he was typing with a smirk, ignoring she and James fight.
"Why is he here? " She asked and Stephen rolled his eyes.
"Cause I offered to drop him and mum agreed." He said starting the ignition and Miriam rolled her eyes.

The drive to school was supposed to be quiet and long, but the opposite took place. James and Stephen were arguing about football, when they stopped they turned on the radio volume to the highest and was singing their old jam 'mans not hot' by Big Shark . It took Miriam every pride in her not to sing along.

"School!" Miriam cheered slamming the door without saying goodbye to her cousin. She adjusted her skirt and walked to the school gate, then she froze. Michael was standing at the gate with Amaka. It took her seconds for her to realize that he was also a sanitary prefect. Stephen walked past Michael and they brushed shoulders arrogantly. Miriam and Amaka locked eyes for split seconds.

"Boys." Amaka warned, they gave each other death stares and Stephen walked away.

Miriam let out a breath she did not know she held. She adjusted her bag and walked past Michael. It was not the time to apologize.

"Babe." Someone held her arm and whispered in her ear
"Michael. Look. I'm sorry."
"For?" He said with a smirk.
"You know, for everything."
"What everything?"
"Arrggh! Michael! Don't make this apology awkward." She whined rolling her eyes.
"Hahaha. Red Lips. Calm your nerves. There is no need to apologize, I had a great time! I was just shocked to find that asshole in your home. But trust me I don't regret anything."
"Oh, okay." She Blushed.
"I'll see you later." she said again.

"Pink lips!" Michael called.

Great! Everyone has a nickname for me. First Mrs Bean now Pink lips. She thought. Walking towards him.

"You still owe me a kiss." He whispered. She blushed and walked away.

"Stephen." Someone moaned softly. Miriam froze at the hallways. She swallowed saliva and walked to her class to find Stephen lying on a bench. He did not see her. She looked behind to confirm the voice she heard.
"Fuck." the voice moaned again. She looked closely and saw Stephen grinding a junior!

"What the fuck Eyebrow!" She yelled and the Stephen fell of the bench, the girl sat erect, covering her face with her hands.

She buttoned her rumpled shirt, wore her pant and carried her suit from the floor running.

"I'm sorry." she mumbled as she passed Miriam.

Stephen sat on the bench, his head low, his faced burned from embarrassment. Miriam walked to her seat.

"What the hell Miriam, you couldn't just mind your business." He growled angrily.
"Excuse me!" She asked irritated. He walked out of the class ignoring her.

School devotion was shorter than normal. Probably because Miriam was occupied with thought about the class incident. She knew she could not tell Amaka, she would be too heartbroken.

"Pervert." she muttered to herself she she saw him climb the stage. They locked eyes for a second. Like he was trying to beg her to keep the secret.

She searched for the junior she caught earlier. She was sitting in ss2 row. Biting her lips, she did not face Stephen, her head was low.

Immediately devotion was over, Miriam walked to class, she felt like ditching school. She wasn't good at keeping secret from her friend.

Amaka was standing with Stephen opposite the class door, giggling. She tried waking fast so Amaka wouldn't see her, but Amaka won't stop being Amaka.

"Hey! Miriam!" She called grinning from ear to ear. Miriam gave a shy wave.
"What's up." Amaka asked casually.
"Oh I'm good. Look, I would really love to have a little chit chat but ...I have something Important... I need to finish." She stuttered.
'Oh, okay Weirdo."

The day could not just get any better. Chemistry teacher place Miriam and Stephen as lab partners. Amaka wasn't in the class, she was an art student.

Miriam and Stephen sat awkwardly, avoiding each others gaze. When Stephen could not take it any longer he spoke.

"Why did you not tell Amaka?"
"I refuse to have a conversation with you." She said focusing on the board.
"Like I care, stop acting like you are doing me a favour by not telling Amaka. I don't give a fuck about her anyways." He growled.

Miriam couldn't believe her ears.
"I could not rate you higher anyways, you take advantage of people's love and treat them like scum. I wonder what they see in you anyways." She retorted.
"I dont take advantage of people Mrs Bean. You think they dont know I don't like any of them. Doll, they know I mess with all of them." He replied proudly. Miriam spat on him.
"Fuck you!" She said and left the class.

1005 words
My lazy ass tried😂

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